So, as some of you on my plurk may have realized, I am finally attempting to write that fic I said I would ages ago. You may have also noticed I'm getting increasingly snippish. This crankiness is a result of a combination of hunger, lack of sleep and having to browse through dozens of journal entries seeking a certain one. It all adds up, sadly.
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Please provide,
Full Name:
Any Nicknames:
Flame Type:
Since I'm holding back details of this generation for a grand reveal, I'm afraid biographies are not option. I understand that personalities may be difficult because of this BUT you are free to provide basics. "Grumpy, anti-social, manipulative, etc." One word things like that to give your character an outline.
For plot purposes, the positions of sky and mist are filled. ALAS. Everybody else is open, however. =w=b
Please note, first come first serve.
Any Nicknames: N/A
Flame Type: Sun, Storm.
Position: Sun Guardian. Yaaay.
Weapon: Hand-to-hand, she specializes in Varma ati, the southern style of the Indian fighting system Kalaripayattu. Wiki article here.
Personality: Prideful, generally titchy, but not overly loud about it. Obsessed with proving herself, and gets grumbly and reluctant about team-work, and about this entire mafia family thing. Would enjoy things like water skiing and other competitive, non-combat sports. Likes reading torrid bodice rippers when she's alone, because even in the future, Fabio is a studly cover man.
How the fuck do I make OCs that aren't for Homestuck again. Argh.
So this chick.
Any Nicknames: Rosie, Rose, occasionally Jacki (mostly by blood relatives).
Flame Type: Storm.
Position: Storm Guardian.
Weapon: Bo staff.
Personality: Although she tries to present herself as a polite, respectable woman, she tends to get worked up very easily over everything that gets an emotional reaction out of her-- arguments, performance anxiety, cute things. Especially cute things. She can get pushy or confrontational at times, which, combined with her general talkative nature, can grate on people's nerves at times. Fairly insecure, and doesn't work too hard to hide it. Her manner of speech can get pretty rough and unrefined, especially during times of stress or surprise. Very American, very badly hidden closet weaboo.
(Sidenote: The way she is described here, gender is a touchy subject, as you can imagine. If you'd rather avoid trans issues, or it would just be easier for you, you can just make her a cisgendered girl.)
Though a PB might be good if you choose to RP her.
Any Nicknames: N/A
Flame Type: Rain, Mist
Position: Rain Guardian
Weapon: As a sharp shooter, he uses guns of various kinds. His favorite, however, are rifles, and he will use them as handguns in short distance fighting, if necessary. Think Meirin of Kuroshitsuji.Personality: Generally of a stern, stoic demeanor, Raefele is independent and impersonal. He appears to be the lone wolf of the pack, skirting the lines where the Cloud Guardian should be, but in truth, the man is simply brisk in conducting business matters --- merciless, too, even with allies and friends. These matters aside, he is very secretive, and he keeps these secrets because his detachment is what allows him to know his Family well and cooperate with them to the best of their abilities. It's what makes him the shoulder to cry on, the face to cuss and yell at, the body to spar with, etc, etc. His expert fluidity in motions is what also hides his insecurity and the desire to feel needed. Often, he adapts to be what is necessary and wanted by ( ... )
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