Title: The Heart’s Dark Crossroads
Fandom: Xmen: First Class
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Length: c. 6k
Beta: The sublime
kate_lear and the beautiful
fengirl88 (and vice versa). Words can’t describe how grateful I am.
Warnings: Sex (explicit), homophobia (comparatively non-explicit)
Rating: NC17
This fic was originally written for a fic-exchange prompt by
splintercat on
erik_charles which
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You picked up on so many of _my_ favourite things - one of the things I enjoyed most was playing with the doubling and thesis-antithesis-synthesis which the structure provides for (and the potential for communication and misscommunication which it offers). Finding ways of bringing back images (sometimes with a slightly different slant) and moments (but from a different perspective) was one of the great pleasures of writing it. The lines about Charles as metal were some of the ones I was most proud of, so I'm particularly glad you picked up on them!
And then there's George, who was one of those characters who comes forth fully formed, with his own story arc. I found I was very interested in the mutants who _don't _ join them and their reasons. I tried to write George as someone with a quiet dignity, who has taught himself all the self-control he needs and who respects Charles's campaign but isn't overly impressed by it. I'm really glad you though it worked!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. It means an lot to me. I'm just so glad you liked the story!
<3 <3 <3
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