I managed to finish two more illustrations for my article and started practising Archaeological illustration, which is much more pared down. I need to start practising vector art again, since the clean line works well for this sort of thing. Now, the drawings:
Blue Footed Booby Birds
Perhaps the Galapagos Island's most famous resident after the Giant Tortoise.
Violaceous Trogan
Trogans are gorgeous birds found throughout Central and South America. Perhaps the most well known is the Quetzal which is found in Guatemalan cloud forest. This guy is no where near as rare, and is fairly common on the Belizean mainland.
Eagle Axe God Pendant
This was my first archaeological drawing. It's an "axe god". They are pre columbian pendants that were named "axe gods" because of the axe-like edge at the bottom of the sculpture. It was done in pencil and photoshop.