Here's an update!!

Sep 04, 2011 13:53

I'm actually updating within a week's time so I'm proud. \o/ This week was my first week of classes. Monday's classes ended up being canceled because of the hurricane over the weekend. :3 The school wanted a day to clean up the campus so it would be ~safe for the return of students. It's super windy at my school on a good day so I could imagine how that campus was during the hurricane!! But it was nice for me because hayyyyy I don't mind getting days off from the weather! 8D ...Even if I was looking forward to a day off even without starting classes. xD; I just don't like school, what can I say~ :P The hurricane ended up being anti-climatic, at least where I live. I know parts of NJ got reallyyyy flooded so that's scary!! I ended up coming out of this storm extremely lucky, because parts of Long Island lost power for DAYS! I can't even survive losing power or internet for a few hours so I have no idea what I would've done if I was in that situation. D: I probably would've went insane. Or died. Or both! Kevin lost power for a little over 24 hours, he was texting me a lot during that time and he sounded like he was slowly losing his mind so I felt bad. ^^; I talked to Mike and he lost power for three days. And Lexie said that she only just got her power back yesterday!!!! The entire western part of my town had lost power too, I know my mom was saying a lot of people at her job were in that situation. So YES I definitely came out lucky!!! Thank god!! There were no damages, either, just a really messy backyard but no major problems. I felt bad for one of my neighbors because they had a flagpole in their front yard and that snapped in half. But thankfully it fell towards the street and not towards their house so no windows were broken. \o/ All the storm was for me was A LOT of wind and heavy rain. Which meant I got maybe 3 hours of sleep. I wasn't very tired that night so I had went to bed late, and then woke up an hour later because the winds were soooo noisy!! They were so hard that my windows were shaking. I was trying reallyyyy hard to fall back asleep but I just couldn't. ^^; I'm a super light sleeper and I need SILENCE to sleep. Plus my bed leans against a wall that has a window so that made things harder. So I was basically awake from 3 AM to 5 AM and then I had to wake up around 8:30. My whole body was aching from the lack of sleep, especially my legs. I hate that so much. D: I guess it's my own fault for not going to bed early but I guess I didn't think the storm was going to be so bad at night? I thought it was supposed to be mostly on Sunday! Plus I would've been woken up half of the night from the storm anyway so either way I would've been tired. I was even more happy to have Monday off because it gave me an extra day to relax and sleep in before going back to my school schedule. Obviously my family and I came out of the storm safely, there was a tornado watch for my area during the storm but I didn't wake up in Oz so I guess none of them hit! (Though it sounds like fun to go to Oz...too bad...) There was no storming on Sunday at all!! It was just dark and felt like rain, but nothing else happened. As I said, pretty anti-climatic storm for my part but that's definitely for the best I think. Long Island definitely wouldn't hold up if we got a huuuuge storm. :P

Then my Texan relatives were over last weekend. It wasn't as bad seeing them as I thought it would be. A tad awkward because I didn't even know what they LOOKED like (the last time I saw them I was 4 years old) but not as bad as I assumed. My uncle said a few racist things, but nothing that made me rage...they were just super ignorant and dumb so they made me roll my eyes and laugh on his expense. So that's definitely good. \o/ It was kind of cute when my dad and uncle were reunited again. They hugged and were happy and d'awwww. :3 They're both the only family member that they talk to since my dad's side is pretty fucked up. They don't get to see each other very often because of distance, so it was nice that they got to last weekend. My aunt is really pretty. She didn't put down her phone for one second, though. I think both of them are going through a mid-life crisis to be honest, and I learned some new stuff about my cousins. They left them at home, and they are nothing at all like how they were when they were younger. My one cousin is actually pregnant with her boyfriend of only one year and she's only 24 and not married or with an established job. Sounds like a woopsie. :X In a way I am kind of proud of my cousins, though. My uncle was suuuuuuuuuuuper controlling with them growing up and kept them really sheltered (not going into details, but just trust me with this) so in a way I'm kind of proud that they broke free and took freedom with such force! They didn't grow up the way my uncle had wanted and you could tell that he's disappointed and resentful, but I'm happy for them for that. You can't do exactly what somebody have to make your own life and your own choices!! I'm not saying that you should make BAD choices, but with how sheltered and controlled they were growing up, I'm glad that they did such radical things already. Good for them! I would've done that if I was in their shoes, too!!! All in all it wasn't that bad of a weekend. I can't say I LIKE my uncle, I'd probably like my aunt more if I knew her, but no Gina rage happened! Which is especially good because on Sunday I had such little sleep on me. So I would've been veeeery low on patience if something had happened. :X

And now my school adventures!! Okay so my first day ended up being Tuesday so it was nice to have an extra day to rest/prepare. I'm just gonna talk about my classes class-to-class instead of day to day because nothing really ~*earth shattering*~ happened on a certain day that needs to be talked about.

Yoga; We've only did one actual class of yoga (Tuesday was just talking about the class, so Thursday we actually did stuff) and I have to say I actually liked it!! I don't know if this opinion will change or not but it was kind of nice. It was relaxing because we ~meditated, and the positions weren't that difficult for me to do because I'm naturally flexible from doing dance for so long! Granted these were probably the ~beginner's positions and it'll get harder, but I think I should be okay. I'm happy that I chose this class. \o/ If I have to be in a gym class this is a good gym. :D My teacher seems like someone who would teach and do yoga. xD She's very...spiritual. Some of the things she says are funny because of that. She's very into it. But she's nice! I think you'd have to be pretty nice to be a yoga teacher, though. How could you be mean if you're trying to relax everyone, right? :P It's a 9:00 class and I think it's at a good time for me. In the morning, but not ass-o-clock and I like that it's a start to my day. We'll see how this opinion changes as the year goes on~

Astronomy; This teacher is really nice and funny. :3 And he's attractive, he looks like he was cute in his younger years~ I want to be careful because ratemyprofessors says that he's really nice but has hard tests so he is tricky. /o\ I'm going to work really hard in this class. We have to be there for a while on Tuesdays because we have labs to do, so I'm glad that he's so nice at least. It makes spending the extra time there a little more enjoyable.

Italian; This teacher... DDDD: He talked in nothing but Italian the entire class. :/ He told us that his English isn't that good so he's going to mostly teach Italian. ......IF YOUR ENGLISH IS NOT THAT GOOD WHY ARE YOU A TEACHER!?!?! Omg I wanted to start crying. ;_; This class is going to be a nightmare. I assumed that it would be already because Italian is just as bad of a subject for me as Math is, but gahhhh I wanted a really good teacher. ;_; Or at least an easy teacher because Italian is super hard for me so I'd love to take the easy way out! Hopefully this was just a bad first impression and I'll do alright. :/ If I pass this will be my last Italian class forever most likely so that will be my inspiration. I hateeee learning new languages. I don't see the point. /o\ This is something that should totally be optional, I am never going to move to Italy. There's a bunch of people I know in this class, mostly people from last year's class. This girl that would always suck up to the teacher is in my class again so now she has a whole new teacher to suck up to. Greaat a whole new semester of that. >:(

And then my last two classes are Western Civilization and Anthropology. I have no individual thoughts about those, just that my teachers are both really nice thankfully and it sounds like they're going to be giving a lot of work. So basically with all of these things together I'm gonna be working my butt off!! /o\ In a way it's kinda good though, because my mind has been a not-so-fun place lately and I want to be kept busy. But at the same time I don't want to die from stress and I certainly don't want to fail everything or anything. D: So let's just work hard and see what happens. Bleeeeh, school. I get another Monday off because of Labor Day so at I'm sort of starting off slow? I feel pressured to study everyday, though, because I'm not really good at school and everything seems hard. I'll probably do some Italian review after I post this, actually. Sigh.

school stuff

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