My laptop is BACK! And faster than I expected!

Jun 07, 2011 20:00

YESSS that's right! I brought my laptop to the repair shop this morning and got it back by this afternoon! I am SOOOO happy. First of all I found the bill this morning too and I was wrong about the warranty. Their warranty lasts 60 days, not 30. And it was only 47 days since my laptop was repaired in April, so we were able to get it fixed for FREE! Another nice thing is that if you're bringing your computer back to the shop for the same problem under the warranty, they put you as first priority. Sooo...yelling at them wasn't really necessary because they had the right idea for us at least. When we went in there to have them check it out, they said that the prong just seemed loose and not actually broken. So they said that they would tighten it for us and have it back to us by later that day. But I actually didn't believe them when they said that, because when I first got it fixed they said it would take 2 days and instead it took 2 weeks. So....yeah, took it with a grain of salt. But sure enough they did actually call later on in the day! :3 And I'm on my laptop now!! <3 It wasn't that bad of a day, either, because I got a lot of work done!! I cleaned my entire room top to bottom so I wasn't bored or anything today. :D I felt productiveeee. They said that the prong probably got loose because of the weight from my charger. This charger's cord is a lot shorter than my past two so if I sit on my bed with it, the power adapter hangs there. So I guess the prong getting loose wasn't ~technically their fault. >.> But I didn't know that this was gonna break anything tbh. This is a brand new charger and the first one I had a ~length problem with. (Hehe length problem.... /12 years old) When I sit at my desk with my laptop the power adapter sits on my desk next to my computer so it's no problem. But if I sit on my bed with my laptop and it needs to be charged, the cord doesn't reach all the way and the adapter was hanging above the floor. I'm *usually* at my desk when I go on the computer, but if my back hurts or I'm really tired I go on my bed with it. I do that when I go on at night, too, just because it's more comfortable than sitting up. I only have one outlet in my room and I need to actually get the outlet thing replaced because everything I plug in there falls out if you move it even slightly. So I can't use that to plug in my charger because it would just keep falling out and that's annoying! Which is why I use the power strip in my room to plug it in but that's where the problem comes in because my bed is on the other side of the room from the power strip. But now I have an extension cord so I could rest the adapter on the bed with me when I sit there and charge. Yay! So I shouldn't have any problems anymore. ...Hopefully. >.> At least they didn't actually do anything wrong that last time so my anger towards them is gone. :3 And this problem shouldn't happen again since I'm now ~prepared and know this is a problem that could happen. AND the whole fiasco was free. YAY!

But my technology problems still aren't over... Now my cell phone is broken. -___- It was having a few problems but I didn't think any of them were really that big of a deal. They were all problems you could deal with so I figured I would just ask for a new phone for Christmas. The screen was turning different colors when I flip to the keyboard, and my off key is kind of hard to press now. Dealable things. But nowwww when I receive or make a call I could hear everything, but the person can't hear me. :| It's weird because I could receive calls and everything but it's like I'm on mute! I don't even understand why this happened because my phone is notttt old at all, and okay I've dropped it a few times but not THAT much and it's not been through the hell other people's phones have been through. Plus this is so sudden! Ugh!! My first cell phone was a Razr, not fancy, and all it did was make calls, take pictures and text basically. But the phone didn't ever have a problem and lasted for so long! I finally got my current phone because my last one's buttons were falling out!!! Figures, the newer stuff lasts for less time... So I'm going to go to the Verizon store on Thursday to see what the hell is up with my phone. We're gonna see how much a repair costs and see if it's worth it to actually get it fixed, or if I should just buy a new phone. I already have a plan, so the cost would be literally just getting a phone which is one price and they always have rebates and whatever so I have to say Verizon Wireless gives good deals. I'm thinking of maaaaybe getting a Droid because of how cool those phones are. ^^; But I'm worried about their touch screens! They respond to heat, not touch so the only way they work is if you use your fingers to press things. I have long nails so I actually use my nails for eeeverything, and with my current phone the touch screen is so sensitive so I could press things with my nails! Getting a heat-responsive touch screen phone means I'll have to re-train the way that I use a phone. Which is a painnnn because I have been doing everything with my nails for a year now. But I think I coulddd get used to it. I'm sure people with long nails have iPhones and stuff and eventually get used to it. I have to do my research! My other option is that Larissa's mom is a manager for a Verizon Wireless company so she could fix my phone for free! Then I wouldn't even need to get a new phone for Christmas because my phone would be good as new and I could keep it until the next problem without any money spent. But I don't know how ~big of a repair it'll be so even if it's free I'm trying to think if it's gonna be a huge repair that'll take a day or two, is that even worth it? I guess we'll see. Gonna do some research on this. I doooo have to make a decision fast, though, because the fact that I basically can't use my phone for calls is kind of an emergency. :/ God forbid something happened and I needed it...-_-

UGH too many technology problems! Why does everything happen all at once?

rl stuff, technology sucks, computers

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