I'm hungry but I don't like what's for dinner tonight. :(

Sep 26, 2010 16:24

I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamt that Manjyome was a real person and Adam Lambert was completely in love with him. O.o So much so that he started posting love poems to Manjyome on Twitlonger. And then I became completely obsessed with the couple and started shipping it realllyyyy hard. I was really cocky and happy in my dream and kept being all "YAAAAY ONE OF MY OTP's IS REAL FOR ONCE!!!!!" Then I obviously killed the OTP because I guess Manjyome and Adam broke up at some point and Kradam became real. But I was really disappointed by this because I no longer shipped them and they ~ruined my OTP of Manjyome/Adam. For some reason Tommy Ratliff was my best friend in my dream or something because he and I were angsting about Kradam becoming real together. xD; He was sad too because his OTP never made it...in my dream he apparently shipped Terrance/Adam. (Which in my opinion is an excellent choice. UNF.) Then after that I woke up and just WAT? There were a lot of things wrong with this dream. First of all, Kradam = OTP. If they got together I wouldn't be disappointed. >:[ Especially because I'm one of those people that once something becomes an ~obsession it's an obsession for LIFE. So even if I had a new #1 couple, I would still be pretty excited about Kradam. :333 Second of all, why would Adam be with MANJYOME? Manjyome belongs to Shou! And not only that, if I'm gonna ship Adam with an anime crossover, he'd need to be with Shuichi. Or maybe Ryuichi. Cara gave me this idea. :3 OTP~~~ Tbh I think my dream!self turned Adam into Shou and was flailing about Manjyome/Shou being real in my cray mind. I dunno. Adam and Shou aren't really alike... Though I still wonder what it would be like if they were locked in a room together. Hmmmm... I'm pretty sure they would flail and get all girly and talk about boys they like. :333

Yesterday was a lot of fun. :D Kevin and I never did our original plans of watching movies. xD We stayed at the mall for a really long time. Larissa was watching the store so she was able to hang out with us most of the time. Also we played with PUPPIES! ♥ There was this one puppy, a Pekingese, which don't really have cute faces but this one was ADORABLE. It was a little fluffy marshmellow! It looked like a teddy bear and its tongue stuck out!! Plus it was SUCH a baby, only its back teeth grew in!! So it was cute when it nibbled your finger 'cause all you felt were gums! :DDD It was definitely my favorite out of the puppies we saw, I fell in love with it. It was also sooooo cuddly, you were able to hold it however you wanted to and it was just mush~! It had a bald and warm belly and it liked to cuddle when you held it, PERFECT LITTLE PUPPY! The puppy became the store favorite because as soon as anyone saw its face, no matter who they were, they'd immediately go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". xD At one point Larissa and the other girl who was working at the petstore put the puppy down on the floor and it started running around everywhere, but it kept tripping over its own feet!! So it would fall and then get back up to keep running only to stumble again. xD Cutest thing EVER. It kept going near me too, I wanted ittt. ;_; I love teeny dogs better than big dogs or medium dogs. They're just my favoriteee. We also met a Dachshund puppy who kept making little puppy sounds (!!!!) and a Husky puppy!! The Husky puppy was BEAUTIFUL! It had these crystal blue eyes and its fur was black and white. Sooo gorgeous. He was crazy hyper, though, I can't even imagine taking care of it. xD; But then again Husky puppies are always hyper, so if someone is in the market for a Husky they should know this already. I like having puppy adventures at the mall. :3 Also while at the mall I bought peacock feather earrings which I wanted for a while but just couldn't find anywhere. They're pretty! :DD After we spent hoursss at the mall and left at like 9, we just drove around. We got lost but it was kinda purposely and we drove through a rich neighborhood filled with mansions and stuff. Adventures~~~ We listened to random music in the car and when IIHY played Kevin let me blast it and sung along with me even though he's not an Adumb fan. :') We had Burger King for dinner and had a besties ~heart-to-heart~ there, and then drove around and got lost again. xD So yeah, it was a lot of fun. :DD Glad I got to spend time wiff him~! I have good best friends. :)

Day 01 - What is your current favorite ship?
Day 02 - What was your very first ship?
Day 03 - A pairing that needs to happen now?
Day 04 - The pairing with the most chemistry?
Day 05 - The pairing with the least chemistry?
Day 06 - The best kiss?
Day 07 - The most heartbreaking scene?
Day 08 - The pairing with the most baggage?

Sometimes it's kind of weird shipping real people... But for this one I'll have to go with Kradam again. Technically if they ever became ~real there would be a lot of drama. First of all they're both famous so if something happened between them it would be alllll over the media since obviously it's a huge scandal. Kris is never usually in the media so it would be a huge story with him, and Adam's always in the media so this would just bring more attention. Plus Kris is a married man. For him and Adam to be ~real, he would have to divorce his wife first. And because they're both men and everyone things Kris Allen is straight he'd have to come out, too. It's a lot of stuff. xD Most of the other ships I ship are anime tbh and they have ~drama, but not really anything like this. I think the fact that they're real people already makes it more dramatic.

Day 09 - The most believable relationship?
Day 10 - Why aren’t these two married in real life?
Day 11 - What is your dream pairing?
Day 12 - Who had the best wedding?
Day 13 - What is your favorite television pairing?
Day 14 - What is your favorite book pairing?
Day 15 - What is your favorite real life pairing?
Day 16 - What is the absolute worst pairing?
Day 17 - A pairing you thought would never work out, but did?
Day 18 - What is the cutest pairing?
Day 19 - A pairing you’ve rooted for since the beginning?
Day 20 - The ‘can’t stand the sexual tension anymore’ pairing?
Day 21 - A pairing you like and no one else understands why?
Day 22 - A pairing you hate and no one else understands why?
Day 23 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great?
Day 24 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly?
Day 25 - A pairing that was/would-be adorable, but could never work out?
Day 26 - A pairing that you hated and ended up loving?
Day 27 - A pairing that you loved and ended up hating?
Day 28 - A pairing that you will never understand?
Day 29 - What ship had the best proposal?
Day 30 - Your favorite ship forever and ever and ever!

Alex and I are currently logged in each other's Twitter accounts and are tweeting from the other's account. We're cool~ It's more fun than it should be.

dreams, twitter, gina has friends!?, gina has a real life!?, 30 day meme: pairings

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