So it took two e-mails and a lot of waiting, but my English teacher finally e-mailed me back!! \o/ That took away some of his asshole points. Especially because after I sent the second e-mail and it got later and later today I was getting worried that he was going to ignore me and I wouldn't be able to do the online assignment. ^^; I'd rather not lose points in a class with a strict teacher right off on the second day of class. So thank GOD he responded!! His e-mail was really helpful too. It was long and nice and professional and had exact instructions on how to get to the test that I needed to take. :] You had to click like 37435448383505605693 links to get to it... None of the things he told me in the e-mail were on the handouts he gave us. ^^; So I have NO idea how I would've found that test if it wasn't for me e-mailing him. I wonder if everyone else was able to find it and I'm just stupid? Anyway I'm glad I got it done. The quiz wasn't hard, either. It was just a grammar quiz which I'm good at. I got an 85 on it. :D
Today we bought my textbooks for English and Algebra, both of which I absolutely needed for my second class, especially English. It came to $200. /o\ The English book which my teacher called ~expensive was actually only 50 something dollars which is good for a college textbook. It was the Algebra one that was like a hundred. I hope I don't need textbooks for my Computer or Philosophy classes because dnw things getting too expensive for my parents. I did the second homework that our English teacher assigned to us which was to read a story in the textbook for a quiz that we'd be having on it on Wednesday. The story wasn't long or hard so I should be fine tomorrow. I'm also not nervous about tomorrow because I already know where the classes are and I should be fine... Hopefully I'll be less shaky around all of the people in my Algebra class this second time around. :P
Tomorrow will actually be kinda fun, maybe. I'm going to be hanging out with Larissa during my 3 hour break. :D We're going to go to Burger King for lunch! \o/ She got our Kris/Lifehouse tickets so she's going to give me mine tomorrow and I'll pay her back. Sooo excited about that! I can't wait for the concert. <3 Operation: Become a Lifehouse fan is working. :D I downloaded most of their new album so I could get to know their songs, and I really like them a lot. This is exciting! I'll download and listen to the rest later or something. Ahhh, this concert is gonna be so much fun!!! I'm going to be EXHAUSTED the next day when I go to school, but it's gonna be super worth it. :] Plus this is a one time thing... I don't usually go to concerts, let alone even go out on school nights. ^^;
And here's day 29 finally!
Day01: My favorite song
Day02: My favorite movie
Day03: My favorite television program
Day04: My favorite book
Day05: My favorite quote
Day06: My biggest pet peeve
Day07: A photo that makes me happy
Day08: A photo that makes me angry or sad
Day09: A photo I took
Day10: A photo of me taken over ten years ago
Day11: A photo of me taken recently
Day12: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day13: A fictional book
Day14: A non-fictional book
Day15: A fanatic
Day16: A song that makes me cry
Day17: An art piece
Day18: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day19: A talent of mine
Day20: A hobby of mine
Day21: A recipe
Day22: A website
Day23: A YouTube video
Day24: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day25: My day, in great detail
Day26: My week, in great detail
Day27: My month, in great detail
Day28: My year, in great detail
Day29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
As far as plans go, the only one that I have for a few months ahead is the Kris/Lifehouse concert which is on October 17th. :] Also this weekend I'm going to be busy. Going to a party on Saturday (I'll talk about this at a later time) and then going to watch fireworks somewhere on Sunday with my family. Other than that I usually make plans that week or whatever, rarely months ahead of time. My hopes are dreams are to just get through my second year of college with good grades. I want to do really well the whole time this year. I have a 3.8 GPA right now. I'd like to keep that up. ^^;
Day30: Whatever tickles my fancy