Why don't I have a Pokemon icon?

Jul 26, 2010 17:52

Went to the beach again today! I love the beach so much. <3 It was a beautiful day out today but the water was choppy!! Lots of waves~! Which is different than what I'm used to because usually the beach I go to has super calm water. Mom is becoming more and more okay with the idea of me getting my belly button pierced for my next birthday. :] She was never AGAINST the idea, but she's definitely becoming more accepting of the idea. Which is good because I'm getting it done next year no matter what. :P I'll probably do it arounddd my birthday so it'll be healed enough for me to be proud to show it off come summer. It'll be worth it to get one because I seriously go to the beach every single week...like I've been doing. I'm so jealous of the people who have belly rings. Can't wait until I'll have one too!!

I BEAT THE POKEMON LEAGUE. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKK YESSSSSSSSSSS. It was a lot easier than I expected. None of the Pokemon I went against were really hard, and it turns out that the strongest Pokemon were level 55 like me. The only part that was really hard was the final trainer. They had one Pokemon that was level 58 and it was a steel type so nothing's really strong against it. I was able to hold my own against it and thankfully I bought enough revives and max potions to save myself. I used both my Mightyena and Blaziken to fight against it. When I had Blaziken out, their Pokemon's HP was already cut in half. They went to use a hyper beam on me which was killing my Pokemon in one hit, but thankfully I got lucky and their attack ~missed. >:3 On my move after that I used a double kick and it was a critical hit killing their Pokemon!! \o/ The trainer had two more Pokemon that were super easy to beat and then the battle was won. I saw the credits roll and eee so excited! Just think, the first time I played Pokemon Sapphire I was stuck on the psychic Pokemon gym. :') I am definitely a Pokemon Master~! I'm basically done with the game now... Just gotta catch a few rare Pokemon, beat the Battle Tower and then I want to use up all my stones on Eeves so I could have all the Eeeve evolutions. Which I'm actually doing right now because that's easy. xD I want to replay Pokemon Crystal. But I can't find Silver or Crystal anywhere! :( I think I'm gonna dig out my closet at some point because they have to be in their somewhere... Also I'm hoping I could buy Pokemon Leafgreen (orrrr Pokemon Firered) sometime soon. Those are the last two Pokemon games for Gameboy Advanced. For Christmas I'm going to ask for a DS, and Pokemon Heartgold, Pearl and the newwww game Black! >:3 Exciting stuff!!

Day 16!!

Day01: My favorite song
Day02: My favorite movie
Day03: My favorite television program
Day04: My favorite book
Day05: My favorite quote
Day06: My biggest pet peeve
Day07: A photo that makes me happy
Day08: A photo that makes me angry or sad
Day09: A photo I took
Day10: A photo of me taken over ten years ago
Day11: A photo of me taken recently
Day12: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day13: A fictional book
Day14: A non-fictional book
Day15: A fanatic
Day16: A song that makes me cry

Hmm...there's really no song that makes me cry instantly when you turn it on at the moment. There ARE songs that I cried during before though. Concrete Angel by Martina McBride (lolwutcountry) used to make me cry, and then Light Up the Sky by Yellowcard used to make me cry. When I saw Adam during the Idols tour I cried during Starlight but I was just very emotional that day for some reason. xD; If I was reallllyyyy sad Adam's Broken Open and Kris' I Need to Know could probably make me cry. But yeah, right now there's nothing that you could turn on right this second and make me cry. :P

Day17: An art piece
Day18: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day19: A talent of mine
Day20: A hobby of mine
Day21: A recipe
Day22: A website
Day23: A YouTube video
Day24: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day25: My day, in great detail
Day26: My week, in great detail
Day27: My month, in great detail
Day28: My year, in great detail
Day29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day30: Whatever tickles my fancy

gina has a real life!?, pokemon, beach, pokemanz, music, ~beauty

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