No more being social!!!!

Jul 19, 2010 14:33

Yesterday I went out...again. x_x; I went to Adventure Land with a bunchhhh of my friends. It was a huge group of us. It was fun but I think I've been there too many times that it's not as exciting anymore. xD; Or maybe I was just exhausted yesterday so I wasn't my usual energetic self. Idk. I had some fun though. My friends Jessie and Cassidy went with us, which was nice because I haven't seen either of them in months. The last time I saw them was in January, I think, for the mini reunion at my high school. Jessie also brought one of her friends from NJ with her so I got to meet him, andddd she brought this guy named Joe who I knew for years because he was actually in the same elementary/middle school with me but I never spoke to him before. They changed the haunted house ride there and I was scared to go on it because I wasn't sure if they made it scarier and I'm a baby. I went on with Kevin C. It turns out that this haunted house was WORSE than the last one. The last one was so bad that it was funny...this one was just bad. xD; And it didn't help that I didn't even know what some of the things inside of the haunted house even were. And not in a terrible "omgggg it's so mangled and terrifying ahhhh!" type of way but in a " is that tho" type of way. Kevin was funny in the ride because he kept screaming and acting afraid of everything. xDD Good times. Jessie and Cassidy took pictures of all of us so I got some new Gina-with-friends pictures that I added to Facebook. :] Also in one of the crane game machines they had Domo-kun plushies!!! :DDD Of course I had to try for one. >:3 I didn't think I'd win because the claw only had two hands instead of the usual four. None of my friends thought I'd get one of the plushies. Even I didn't think I'd get one because I couldn't decide where to drop off the crane and so I ran out of time and the machine dropped on its own. It dropped into this huuuge pile of Domo-kun's until I couldn't even see the crane anymore. Then the crane moved up and it was holding a plushie that it grabbed from the bottom!! I was amazed!! And it was holding it justttt right too because to grab a plushie with a two-handed crane you need to try and grab the stuffed animal longways. So now I have my very own Domo-kun!! >:3 He's cute!! I'm way too good at those crane games... It's rare that I don't win at them. xD I wonder if there's crane game competitions out there?

For the rest of this week I'm not planning on doing much of anything... I really just want to rest and relax, I'm sooo tired and burnt out. x_x; I went to bed early last night yet I'm stillll exhausted right now. Ugh. D: I definitely need to rest. Gina's don't like being social toooo much. I want to go back to my hermit ways, thank you very much. xD

...I've...become a Ke$ha fan. I have most of her album and I'm planning on getting more of her songs soon. D: I'M SO ASHAMED. My taste in music is getting worse and worse. xD;;; She really doesn't have much talent but her songs are SO CATCHY. That's the problem! Even if you hate the song you want to download it because of how catchy they are! I can't get myself to download Tik Tok or Blah Blah Blah, though... Those are just awful. Dx Dancing With Tears in My Eyes is my favorite song right now, it's really pretty. I like Blind too. She can't sing unless she has autotune, but she sounds pretty in the songs! Just don't sing them live, Ke$ha bb. Ever. xD;

Here's day 10!

Day01: My favorite song
Day02: My favorite movie
Day03: My favorite television program
Day04: My favorite book
Day05: My favorite quote
Day06: My biggest pet peeve
Day07: A photo that makes me happy
Day08: A photo that makes me angry or sad
Day09: A photo I took
Day10: A photo of me taken over ten years ago

Recently my old dance teacher found me and added me on Facebook. I was happy because I really loved Korinne so much, she was such a sweet teacher and I was really close to her. One of the things I missed about dance, was definitely her. :] I stopped going to that dancing school because all the girls were mean to me and I FINALLY had friends for the first time in my life (I quit my dancing school in 10th grade.) so I felt like it was pointless to continue being bullied there. Anyway, when Korinne added me on Facebook I creeped through her pictures and I found this in there! It made my heart go shdjksfgd;rg'df;g' because I thought it was so sweet that she had this uploaded. We don't look very good here because our eyes are squinty, but it's presh in its own way. :') I'm guessing this picture is probably more than 10 years old because I'm so young here! This must've been my first or second year of dance!! Sigh. I loved dancing so much, I miss it. Ballet was my favorite with Lyrical a close second. I hope Korinne is having a great life and I wish her all the best. :]

Day11: A photo of me taken recently
Day12: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day13: A fictional book
Day14: A non-fictional book
Day15: A fanatic
Day16: A song that makes me cry
Day17: An art piece
Day18: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day19: A talent of mine
Day20: A hobby of mine
Day21: A recipe
Day22: A website
Day23: A YouTube video
Day24: Whatever tickles my fancy
Day25: My day, in great detail
Day26: My week, in great detail
Day27: My month, in great detail
Day28: My year, in great detail
Day29: Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day30: Whatever tickles my fancy

gina has friends!?, gina has a real life!?, sleep, 30 day meme, ke$ha, adventure land

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