Today's Tuesday!! You know what that means? Officially one week until Adam Lambert's concert!!! I have reached my peak of excitement now and all it could turn into at this point is nervousness. :P I'm so thrilled and anxious for this concert that I'm becoming nervous. xD; Nothing could possibly go wrong unless Adam decides to suddenly never preform again or my train crashes, both of which are highly unlikely, so I don't know why exactly I'm nervous. I think this is just my excitement taking full control and my body doesn't know HOW to handle it anymore. :P
While still on the topic of Adam~~ His If I Had You video premiered yesterday!! <3___<3 That's my favorite song on his album along with Pick U Up (which I'm convinced he'll never sing live because I love it too much and I ruin everything. >.>) Adam is the cutest human being ever. As far as the video goes... I still like his WWFM video the best. :X I like the song IIHY (obviously) and I like the video, but I feel like they don't REALLY go that well together. But that's just my opinion~ I don't hate the video at all, though. What I like about it is that he has all of his friends dancing in the video with him! <3___<3 How presh is that?! My favorite is when he's dancing with Allison. That's honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life omgggg. I also spotted Ke$ha, Cheeks and Cassidy. xD I loooove Adam. <3 If you haven't seen the video yet click
here. :D And after you see it my icon will make more sense. xD
Another thing I really liked with my Adam bb is his JLC interview which is
here!! He was so funny! xDD His gay is my favorite. :3 And I like that the interviewer can't resist but grope DAT ASS at the end. And eeee Adam squeaks, he SQUEAKS! I want my very own Adumb to play dress up with and cuddle and feed ice cream to. :3333
Yesterday I was social again!! I've been getting out a lot lately. That's good especially because I'm spending a lot of time with my friends. :] <3 I went over Cara's house and we played in her pool~ Her pool was so cold. xD;; We also went to eat dinner at Friendly's and we watched stuff on Cara's computer. :3 We did a lot of laughing. I adore my friiiiiends. :DD Tomorrow I'm gonna see them AGAIN, this time Larissa too. :] I'M FINALLY GETTING MY THIRD LOBE PIERCINGGGG!! <3 <3 I was supposed to do that waaaay back in March so I'm glad I'm finally getting a chance to go. xD As long as Lexie doesn't change plans... >_>; *glares at her* It's gonna be fun 'cause Larissa wants to get her second hole, and Lexie wants to get her nose re-pierced. So we're all getting it done together! :] I'll tell you how that goes if it definitely happens~ As of right now it is so I'm pumped!! It's also cool that I'll be getting it done before Adam's concert. Yaaaay! I'm sure it'll look good. :D I wanted it for a while.