The Bachelor started again yesterday! \o/ And it has my hawt boyfriend Jake as The Bachelor. Look at this hot piece of man in uniform~
UNFFF HE LOOKS LIKE SOME REAL LIFE KEN DOLL OR SOMETHING IDEK. And he's so SWEET!! The Bachelor is always A+ for drama and stuff so I'm excited. It's a fun show! Apparently there's going to be a girl hitting on one of the camera men and a girl who hits on another girl during the series. Ohhhh snap! Delicious reality TV drama!! How exciting! :D
This Friday there's a ~pizza party~ at SJB as a kind of mini reunion. I keep in touch with my friends so it's kind of pointless to show my face at my old high school just to be around my friends and a bunch of people I can't stand. But whatever! Free pizza! And my friends want me to go and I already RSVP'd so I guess I'm going! Kevin's going to pick me up and we're going to go togetherrrr~ Which is good because I was never going to go unless I'm able to walk in with a friend. xD; I was going to go with Cara if Kevin's car didn't get fixed in time but it's fixed so s'all good. :) We MAY go to Cara's house afterwards to watch the Twilight movie and laugh at it (we looove watching dumb movies and laughing at them the entire time. xD We did it for The Birds a while ago! Good times! And when Erica was here we did it for the Boku no Pico series. 8D) but Kevin said that he has a cold and it maaaay snow on Friday so we'll see about that. Either way it should be ~interesting. I don't really want to see Mikki and Jeanine because dnw to have to be phoney. :| If they say anything to me that I don't like I think I'm just going to be a bitch to them. It's not like they're a part of my life anymore so it doesn't really matter. But I'm going to try and ignore them. pizza! Omnomnom!!
I have to get my eyebrows waxed but we can't go this week! BAH!! I'll just tweaze them the best I can. D: I think I'm going to straighten my hair for hair's gotten a looooot longer since graduation so I guess I want to ~show it off. xD Not really, I just feel like straightening it, but yeah. Idk why I'm telling you this. Okay.