I like you a lot, lot, all I want is hot, hot!

Sep 29, 2009 18:45

I'm debating on whether or not I should make this journal friends only like my old one used to be. All the ~cool kids have their journals friends only. ;~; And there may be creepers reading my entries. On second thought, though, it's not like I'm actually posting anything that I'd care if someone saw. And if a ~creeper was reading my LJ it's not like they'd magically get my address or phone number from here because I don't post stuffs like that anyway. BUT IDK. I'M HORRIBLE AT DECISION MAKING. D:

This weekend was fuuuun. <3 Cara came home from college this weekend! :'3 \o\ \o/ /o/!! We hung out on Saturday night wiff Kevin L. and Lexie. :33 We wanted to invite moar peoples, but everyone else was either away at college still themselves, or just couldn't make it. .-. We were going to go to Adventure Land for one last time because we found out that it's open on weekends until November 1st. We got there at 4 and found out that the park closes at 6 this time of the year. :< So we just got enough tickets to go on two rides and then we decided to go to the movies instead. :3 We went to go see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. xDD In 3-D~~~ ;o I wanted to see it because I remembered the book from when I was a kid, so I thought it would be cute. In actuality the movie was HILARIOUS. xDD Seriously, I wasn't really expecting it to be that funny at all! I couldn't stop laughing the entire time!! It was like...stupid/random humor, idek. xDD; But it was reaaaally funny and I loved it so all of you cuties should go see it too! 8D I also was proud of myself for sitting through a 3-D movie. C: I HATE 3-D because it scares me, but I figured this wouldn't scare me because if anything a slice of pizza is gonna fly at my face and uh...yeah. That's not scary. xD; The 3-D was really unneccesary, methinks. Like, it wasn't all in 3-D and it was pretty pointless to me. It hurt my eyes in beginning but after a while I got used to it. It still annoys me that EVERYTHING has to be in 3-D now. It's so pointlesssss. D:

While there we saw A LOT of good previews for future movies that will be coming out so I want to go see those too. :D I get excited when there's good movies to be seeeeeen!!

In sad news Adam Lambert now has facial hair and it makes him look like a pirate. I now have an icon about it...it's a parody over my ghey football player "oh hai~!" one. v_v I don't like his facial hair at all. D: I don't like facial hair in general and just...IDK. He's so PRETTY! He looks soooo much better clean shaven. ;~; I hope I just get used to it because he's so beautiful and unffff. D:

This post took me two days to get up. I have no idea why. xD

decisions decisions, cara, lexie, captian adam lambert ze pirate, i has friends whuut, kevin l., adventure land, cloudy with a chance of meatballs

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