My bb gurl
duelist_gurl163 picked 6 icons for me for this meme so now imma doooo it! :DD I looove these things. Such simple amusement~~
1. Comment to this entry saying 'ICONS!' and I will pick 6 of your icons.
2. Make an entry in your own journal and talk about the icons I picked!
Adam Lambert at Good Morning American checking out some delicious cake; Well GMA was EPIC when it featured Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and David Cook because I luh all three of them and OMG there was so much Kradam that it made my head explode from utter jooooy! x3 x3 x3 But anyway from looking at all the pictures from that epic day, the one thing that made me laugh the most was when the birthday cake came out for the one reporter's birthday. I noticed this on TV too; ALL THREE BOYS WERE EYEING THAT CAKE!! xDDDD They were looking at it as though it was the most delicious thing they ever seen in their lives!! Adam's face was completely priceless when he looked at it because he looked like he was thinking "c'yeah, I'm gonna get me a peice of that. ;D" xDDD;; I actually thought I was the only one who noticed this, but then I was looking through an icon post and I saw this icon and I was all "ZOMG! SOMEONE ICONED ADAM'S ~LOOK~ TO THE DELICIOUS CAKE! YESSS" And well, yeah, that's the story. v_v; Basically I'm just easily amused. And well, that cake DOES look delicious.
DBZ!Yami; I made this icon! :3 I have NO idea what I was looking up but I remember it had nothing to do with Yugioh and tbh I don't think it had to do with anime, either. So I found this picture out of NO WHERE and just died laughing. xDDD;;; Because first of all it was SUCH a random find and second of all; LOOK AT IT! IT'S DBZ!YAMI!! HOW HILARIOUS IS THAT!? xDDD;;; But it's a perfect "LOLWUT?" picture so I decided to make an icon of it!! I always needed an "lolwut" icon anyway for when someone posts something odd that I need to comment on, or they post about a strange story, or I post about something weird. :D
Chibi-anime!Manjyome; I made this icon, too!! With this picture I was looking through the links of the Japanese fanart GX websites I have favorited that are actually still open (;-; Most of them have closed down...) and I stumbled across this site that drew Manjyome as this chibi and cutesy animal...thing. xD; Like I don't even know what animal he's supposed to be but it's fucking adorable. x///x; He one with blue ears kinda looks like a kitty boy but he has wool on his body and a devil tail or something so who knows. BUT WHATEVER HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE, HE'S CUTE!! And this was one of my favorite pictures on the site because it's THREE chibi animal Manjyome's for the price of one! :DDDD
Kris Allen with a "ew bench stfu" face; I picked this icon because I like his face here. 8D I also kinda needed an icon that gives a feel of "ew." or "bleeeh" or ":/" or "I am partial to that statement, therefore I will use an icon such as this". Also, the origin of this picture makes me laugh. xDD I know the picture~~ In the original someone's actually putting makeup on him (you need to before you go on TV, obv.) and because of that face it reminds me like he's saying "UM, EW GURL~~ THAT'S TOTALLY NOT MY COLOR. D: SO UNFABOOSH!" KRIS ALLEN IS 100% STRAIGHT AND MARRIED, GUISE. NOPE. NOTHING FEMININE HERE.
Adam Lambert as the gay football player; I made this iconnnn! :D This is one of my favorites. :3 It's my default as well as the icon I use to post in
ontd_ai. This is back when Adam had his hair his natural color before he dyed it black. I LOVE this picture sfm because LOOK HOW GAY HE LOOKS!! xDDDD Seriously!! How was anyone SURPRISED when he came out!? REALLY!!! LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!! Not only does he look ridiculously ghey but it also looks like he's saying "oh haaai~!" or "haay gurl haaaay!" or something along those lines. xDDD Sorry Adam bb, even dressed as a football player doesn't butch you up at all. ♥ ...Why am I so in love with gay men?
Kradam heart; :'3 Made this icon too. This is from the finale of American Idol. HOW CUTE IS THAT SCENE!? It kills me that almost ALL of the pictures from the AI finale this year with Kradam looks like they've fallen in love~~ Especially the way Kris looks at Adam. :') I put a heart around Kris' hand here because LOOK AT THAT! HE'S TRAILING HIS FINGER LOVINGLY ON ADAM'S CHEST. WHAT STRAIGHT MALE FRIEND DOES THAT TO HIS GAY FRIEND UNLESS HE WANTS HIM!? I just think it's SO sweet and SO cute and SO ~romantic and their relationship just kills me. :'DD I loooooved Cookleta during season 7 (still do, jfc<3) but I've never been as obsessed with an RL couple as I am with Kradam. x3 ♥ ♥ ♥