Mar 25, 2009 19:18
Recently I've had some pretty intense feelings and concerns regarding the freedom that rings oh so loudly from our nations walls. What is this freedom that we possess? When I wake up I lie in my bed for about thirty minutes, and as I watch the sunrise past my fence and the clouds are still a soft pink I feel confused and I do not feel free. From the bed I'm laying in, to the walls that surround me, from the coffee I drink, to the panties I wear, to the cereal I eat, to the roads I walk, to the air I breath all comes at a price. There is one system that controls us more than ever. The monetary system (after that capitalism). Oh I know you're thinking "we have to have money to survive" but really in all actuality we don't. I've never felt more controlled by anything, and I know you've felt the same. Why is it that we believe we are so free but we dance like marionettes when money is thrown our way? Do we not understand that this piece of paper in our wallets is just a concept? It's only true value lies within our minds, and we will do almost anything for it. There are many things oppressing us today I believe that the most oppressive system is the monetary system.
What system or ideal do you feel in today's world that is oppressing you??
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe