Nov 05, 2010 12:03
I see a surgeon next Thursday to consult about getting the evil gall bladder out. Hopefully not too close to Thanksgiving, but I don't know how much choice I'll have with that, since even on a low to no fat diet it's acting up pretty regularly now.
Went back to the psychiatrist and he upped my depakote dosage and added 600 mg of lithium to the pot.
I do feel a bit more...relaxed on the lithium, but he said pop Xanax (I take a low dose) if I get tense/manic enough to make a lump of coal into a diamond, via shoving it up my arse.
Nothing yet for the depression, but the depression is short lived compared to the mania. I have short intense periods of depression that rapidly cycle in to mania, which is harder to control, it seems.
I was afraid that the things I like about me (which turn out not to be manic at all, they're just my little personality quirks) would disappear, but they haven't. I'm still me, minus some of the annoying/disturbing aspects of mania, like pressured speech(periods of non stop talking about absolutely NOTHING important) and unfocused thinking,night terrors, waves of anxiety attacks and even voices and hallucinations. Yes, I was to that point a few times.
Now, on to the political stuff, which you can skip of that stuff annoys you.
I voted for the first time at age 50 Tuesday. I loved it. My husband frowned at me because he's totally cynical about the political process although you can get him arguing for the Democrats in 2 seconds flat if you push the right buttons.
Part of that is because like me he was brainwashed by Jehovah's Witnesses for years that politics is evil (it probably is, but I'm not sure if it's directly run by Satan as they claim, although each side would gladly claim the other is a demonic tool if they could get away with it) and ungodly (again, a good many things are probably on many people's "ungodly" list that other people regularly indulge in without apparent harm)and hasn't quite gotten over it yet.
Brainwashing is like that...powerful, which is why it's called brainwashing. I still fight persistent feelings of guilt about many things I now do that Witnesses frown upon, like wearing a sweatshirt that says "USA" on it, voting, or eating Christmas cookies. It's hard when you've been told since childhood that the big sky god is frowning at you when you do these things and you will not be on his "been good" list.
Anyway, I voted straight Democrat, simply because even though I'm an Independent, I happen to like what the course we're on now, especially with health care and educational funding. OF COURSE, I'd like to see more jobs and our economy recover, but I never expected that to happen quickly. It's simply not possible, from what I've read about economics, which is rather complicated and all, but not so complicated that even I with my mere high school edumacation can't grasp.
Part of it has to do with what we invested way too much of our economy in, which was the financial sector itself. Too much of our Gross Domestic Product was tied up in the business of banks and finance companies making money off of us. When that happens, economies inevitably fail and fail HARD.
Regardless of political party or who was in office, we let that happen for 30 some years (although GW Bush put the finishing touches on it by deregulating the shit out of Wall Street) and now we're reaping the harvest of a horribly imbalanced economy. This witch's brew took 30 some years to cook up and won't be fixed quickly by anything anyone can cook up.
So, to all you who wonder what the fuck Obama has been doing for you, well...he didn't fix the economy in two short years, it's true. But, if you can show me someone who can, I'll kiss your ass til you bark like a fox.
It's not gonna happen. Neither party is gonna pull a rabbit out of the hat that will make your 401K come magically recover, or strengthen the dollar or bring back hundreds of thousands of jobs.
We're in it for the long haul regardless of who's running this boat. And to take a lesson from history, if that's possible, the Republicans took back power from FDR in '37 in the Congress because everyone was tired of waiting for things to get better and they banked on that big time...and most economists say all it accomplished was a slower recovery from the Depression.
We'll see...let's hope we don't have a historical repeat.