Sep 15, 2007 02:39
I am wondering if I have been living with someone that I don't really know. Did I make an entire personality up for him ? at first I was thinking I could "settle" for friends , but now I am wondering if I really want to be his friend. Maybe I just expect too much out of people , I wonder where I learned that - probably from my mother. She expected a lot from people. Morals isn't the right word , but I look for um ... respect from my friends - the only thing that matters to me , is how they treat other people. I do not like to hang out with anyone who treats other people with any sort of disregard. That is why i don't care for elitest people , it is also why I don't feel a connection with people who are racest sexist , homophobic , or really who treat anyone as with less than respect. ----- R doesn't think he is better than anyone , it isn't that , it is just that he thinks of himself first , always. Self sacrificing is completely foreign to him. - it is always about how he feels. ---- these words seem harsh I don't know If I really mean it , it, or if the words come from emotion , or truth. Just a thought.