Been watching FS at work during lunch in the gym. The episode was Durka Returns. Poor Chi was going bonkers in her cell and we all know how she sounds when she is frightened and trapped. Well, a coworker was in the gym as well and said, "sounds like that girl is having a bad day." I said, "it's Farscape, they are always having a bad day." So today's ep was Into the Looking Glass and this coworker heard John say, "this IS one of the good days." And she said, "Sounds like they need to find somewhere else to be." She started kind of watching it at that point.
Had a supervisor ask me what I was watching when I was in the lunch room. Told him, FARSCAPE! He asked if I liked Defiance and said it was done by the same guy that did Farscape and has the same feel only 'safer'. He is intrigued now and asked if I had the DVDs. He is more into zombies but gives anything a try.