On my way!

Dec 14, 2015 19:30

Today I successfully completed the defense of my doctoral proposal.
3 chapters
4 people on the committee
1 student who sat in
40 pages of Powerpoint slides
1 overstimulated Gina


They had a few minor edits that I will discuss with my chair. But overall, I passed with flying colors.

It's taken me far too long to get here.

Next I take an exam on human subjects protection, submit my proposal to the IRB and wait for their approval.

After that I do the actual research, write up my findings and implications, and present that to my committee for defense.

That's all that stands between me and finishing.

It's huge. Huge, that I've gotten this far.

The student who sat in was interested because she is looking to do a secondary data analysis on employment discrimination faced by women. When she walked out of the room with me so the committee could discuss my presentation, her first words were "OMG that was so intense! But you did an amazing job!"

I did not know this woman. She's not from my cohort. But at that moment, I was so glad she was there. I gave her some advice. I felt like I'd accomplished something and could nurture her. And I had someone to unload on as the emotional inertia took over -- the inability to stop now that I had steamrolled my way through 2 hours of presentation and questions.

But when I was asked to come back to the room, I already knew I'd done well. I was greeted with smiles and a "We have some bad news for you" with a smile and glint in the Committee Chair's eyes that instantly told me I would pass.

So, wow. Yup. That is a thing that has happened.

And tomorrow I have a job interview for a position I really, really want.

I leave you all with a photo of the haircut and dye job I got on Saturday to prepare for these two things. And I photos of the teeny tiny menorah I bought at Whole Foods and which I find so pretty and so amusing in its size.

Happy Monday, flist!

dissertation, phd, picspam

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