ketchup! No, er, catch up!

Aug 23, 2014 11:14

Helloooooo my dear flistees. Promises, promises, but finally I can do a bit of catch up.

I am home this morning recovering from a nasty corneal erosion that rendered me useless at home yesterday after a trip to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary on Thursday. Do you know what you get when one eye is in pain and blurry? Dizziness and headache. Oh yeah.

But I digress.

T-Rex is doing so well since coming home. We even have news - we're engaged! Since our two year anniversary at the end of June. No date set yet as we have too much else to do and first on our list will be finding a new place to live. So life is going to be verrrry busy over the next couple of months as we pack up, look for a new place, etc.

A few weeks we got tickets for the Doctor Who World Tour and so we got to see the new Doctor in his first episode on August 14th*. What made this an amazing experience wasn't just seeing the actors, or even seeing the episode early. It was the sense of community and friendship and love specifically because a few of our friends made it possible for T-Rex to attend at all. The event took place at the Ziegfeld Theatre which, while beautiful, is not wheelchair accessible. But they did have an escalator that normally only goes in one direction. So our friends Andre and Bill and Ken Deep worked with the management and the BBC-A people to coordinate it such that they hoisted T-Rex on their shoulders after everyone else was in, got him up the escalator, and back into his wheelchair. And then the theatre people held two seats for us and after the event reversed the escalator after everyone had left so he could get back down.

I'm telling you, I nearly cried. I got so teary and joyful. Ken said "There's no way we werent' gonna get him in there." And it's moments like these when you know you've surrounded yourself with good, caring people.

And the episode was great. No spoilers, sorry. But I really liked Capaldi (he pronounces it Kuh-PAL-dee).

I have a separate tale, in a separate entry, about my grandfather. I shall post it forthwith. But I hope you all are well and if you are seeing the DW premiere tonight - enjoy!

*Here are a few links to photos I took; they are posted on FB so let me know if you can't see them and I will upload elsewhere. We were in the 4th row!

t-rex, dw, picspam

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