Synagogue and CSA and Boosh - Oh my!

Jun 15, 2013 22:29

Greetings, flist!

Last weekend T-Rex and I went to the "Egg Cream and Egg Roll" Festival. It was basically a street fair that strove to illustrate the Chinese and Jewish heritages thriving and co-mingling in the Lower East Side. The egg rolls were kosher, and surprisingly good with an egg cream (which, despite the name does NOT contain eggs).

I took a few pictures of the synagogue. Enjoy! (All pics are clickable thumbnails)

As previously mentioned, I also joined the Stanton Street CSA this year. This week was our first pickup. I am
doing a 1/2 s
hare with a nice young woman who posted on their board looking for someone. She doesn't like anything in the onion family. I don't eat collard greens. We very amiably agreed to compromise on the shares and communicate week to week about how to split things up. It was such a relief! You never know with someone you've never met. So I feel pretty lucky. This was the list (I am doing fruit and veg shares).

She took the bok choy and I took the "herb pot", which was a tiny basil plant. When I picked it up, I had a flashback to the poor plant I nearly killed in 2010. I will follow the advice given then by my flist, and hopefully it will survive and be of some use this summer!

On a final note, T-Rex and I took the plunge and got VIP tickets for Festival Supreme! I. Can't. Wait. This might be my only chance to ever see the Boosh perform live. And VIP tickets come with a great view and better bathrooms. ;-) Soooo worth it at big festivals. T-Rex has this amazing "non-professional" camera that works perfectly for live events. It will make for some fantastic photos for The Velvet Onion. So this will also make it worthwhile to splurge on the VIP tickets.

Speaking of T-Rex, this month marks our first anniversary! Extraordinary to believe, isn't it? I feel so extraordinarily lucky to have him in my life.

How's by you, flist?

boosh, t-rex, csa, picspam

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