Terrific Tunes Meme

May 20, 2011 17:12

Gacked from bluestocking79 because I have everything else nothing better to do on a rainy Friday afternoon.

The rules:

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter if you want to play along (you can reply and not play, I don't mind).
2. List (and upload) 5 (or more) songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

Bluey gave me the letter N, in honor of Noel the birthday boy tomorrow. I'm still debating whether to subject treat you all to a mega Noel picspam. But I digress. Here's my choices. Five was impossible, I had more that I deleted, even.


Nabooli Rap - The Mighty Boosh
How could I possibly start this list without Noel's velvet voice in the mix? Plus, expert mixing of genres for the LOLz

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Naked Eye - Luscious Jackson
This was a local band from the '90s and remains an utterly listenable album after all this time. Pity they never made it bigger on the nationally or international scene

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Nanageddon - The Mighty Boosh
Yeah, ok. So I included two Boosh songs. Don't shoot me! This remains one of my favorite Boosh eps. Blood on the walls of Londontown. Satan's evil in a nylon gown. Brought to you by the tears of Robert Smith

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Nature Boy - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
It's David Bowie! And Baz Luhrmann. And Ewan McGregor and high romance. How could you possibly go wrong?

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Needle in the Hay - Elliot Smith
Elliot was taken from us way too soon. Just about every one of his songs makes a beeline for my heart and my gut whenever I hear them

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New Religion - Duran Duran
What can I say? It reminds me of high school and everything that was great about the New Romantics

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New York Telephone Conversation - Lou Reed
He really captures a certain feel of a time and place. I almost miss the days when payphones lined the streets. Almost.

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A Night Like This - The Cure
Because we all have terrible nights now and again, and Robert Smith knows how to take teh crazy and make it into music. Bonus! I was actually at this gig.

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The Night Is Still Young - Pizzicato Five
Possibly the most ridiculous thing in my music collection. They're like the Andy Warhol of Japanese Pop music. Unimpeachably fabulous.

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Nightclubbing - Iggy Pop
Y'know, my nightclubbing never seems as sleazy. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Also, the Trainspotting soundtrack is without question one of my desert island discs.

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No Man's Land - Syd Barrett
How could I have a meme inspired by Noel and not include some Syd?

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NYC - Interpol
This song kind of points out to me how NY can be a tough city that takes a force of will to flourish here. Factoid: New York Cares is actually a city-based program that helps link up individuals with volunteer opportunities!

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boosh, meme

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