DDoS hinterlands

Apr 05, 2011 13:55

And so it seems LJ is now suffering a third DDoS attack.

I miss LJ. I miss my well-populated flist. And my icons (is there a way to import them without having to upload them all from scratch?). And my comms. And my cut tags, what I don't know how to do on DW. And I hate that DW can mean dreamwidth AND Doctor Who.

Posting in two places feels schizophrenic to me.

But here I wandered after the site went down just as I clicked on an entry to read and comment.

I have DW codes, if anyone wants one.

And in light of the $hitstorn on LJ, I give you this article on 14th century living and poo disposal, what entertained and informed me a great deal this afternoon. I already knew the origin of the word "loo" though, thanks to a ghost tour during my visit to Edinburgh.

I also discovered this site, for future reference.



How are you today, flist in exile?

x-posted, in the event LJ comes back to life again.
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