
Jan 13, 2011 17:20

Thanks for all the lovely well wishes!

I am in Tampa and it's freeeeeezing. So much for getting away to someplace warm. I don't think it will go above 45F while I'm here.

I've met a couple of nice people and met one doctoral student whose interests overlap with mine. And apparently there is a Cheesecake Factory near my hotel so that might be my Saturday night entertainment.

It is strange staying at an off-site hotel. I feel vaguely homeless in between sessions. But the pub has veggie burgers so I will manage. And anyway they had out free coffee and tea all morning!

I can't say I've learned anything yet. But with three more days to go I am hopeful. I have taken some notes on my variables so clearly I'm stimulating something deep in the recesses of my brain.

Well, that must be a terribly mundane entry. Tell me what is exciting in LJ-land'

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