Teaching, dissertating, Pee Wee!

Dec 03, 2010 15:16

So I opted to go for the student loan and told the Dean who schedules classes last night. She wasn't happy, but she did say "You better get a lot of work done, then!" It's hard for a Dean to justify getting upset with doctoral students who want to work on their dissertation. But she was not her usual bubbly, smiley self with me. I did remind her that I've never pulled out before.

I chatted with a fellow doctoral candidate in the lounge afterward who told me something interesting. Apparently, despite the announcement of a slight increase in pay, a number of adjuncts pulled out for next semester. I think we're all a bit burnt out from the high enrollment rate. I wound up with 29 students in my class this semester, and a few of them had problems requiring individualized attention. Most of my students seemed brain-dead in class, and so I didn't get the usual sense of enjoyment from teaching. I'm burnt out from reading a large number of not very good papers. And I just need a break. So I will structure my time next semester with target dates for work. And I plan to start exercising again.

I've also decided to take a week off work this month to sleep, clean and dissertate.

But tonight I'm going to see PeeWee's Playhouse! I'm not a big theatre person, but I used to watch that show in college with my friends while, er, consuming substances. So there's a nostalgia factor for me. Plus, it's just so ridiculous and I could do with a bit of mindless fun!

This weekend I look forward to resting, cleaning and reading. It's been an exhausting week with grading papers and covering for my boss at work and managing my mouse and other household maintenance problems. My apologies to those who are still owed emails.

Of course, my mood might have nothing to do with any of the things going on in my life. Perhaps it's to do with the dementor I saw hanging about this building around the corner from my home the other day? It's well past Halloween, so it must be a dementor. Right?


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