Thanks :) And my weekend

Oct 11, 2010 22:24

Thanks to all of you who commented about my stressful day at work - both on LJ and off.

Despite what it might seem, it wasn't actually that stressful a situation. I am grateful to have LJ as an outlet. But I think working as I do in social services, things roll off my back more easily than it might others.

Still, this weekend I did treat myself well. On Friday evening I went with pov_power, my friend CR and her new girlfriend D to see Kate Bornstein speak at Bluestocking bookstore. It wasn't quite what I expected. Kate barely spoke at all. She was engaging, but somehow I had it in my mind that she would (in personality) be a lot less, um, cute? Huggable? Sweet? Adorable? Her writing can be so angry, in your face, questioning, boundary-pushing (even taken into context by virtue of time passed). But in person she was like a big mom. It was nice. Her newest book is actually a collection of essays from other people about their experiences being "gender outlaws" (to take the book title). Four authors spoke. Two resonated with me. I may or may not write more in a filtered post. At any rate, it was nice to go out, hang with friends, eat Indian food, talk about politics and fanfiction and cooking and travel. Just a relaxed evening.

Oh, and btw - Kate Bornstein is a nerd, y'all. She had someone take a video and made us all shout "SO SAY WE ALL!"

Here she is talking to the audience. I want her peek-a-boo shirt.

(this should be a clickable thumbnail, I hope)

On Saturday I went with drfardook to see The Swans play at the Mercury Lounge. The show was just ok. I think they kind of hate their audience. The singer demanded the a/c be shut off. They had the audience stand for about twenty minutes listening to an unpleasant droning noise before coming on stage. And their sound was, as he put it, recursive. Kind of like a less punk, less interesting, less engaging version of Sonic Youth. So, meh. Oh, but earlier in the day I bought this trilby hat with a lightening bolt!

Yesterday I was a good little doctoral student and spent time during the day reading theory. I also worked on part 2 of Jazz Dalek. And today I spent SIX HOURS dissertating - including meeting up with SF who clarified some questions about variables and jogged my fuzzy memory about actually doing statistics. I'm so glad she's happy to be helpful. And she seemed genuinely pleased that one of her books lead to my choice of theory. It's nice to have had such an amicable break up.

Anyway, tonight I am absolutely determined to get to bed early as I don't want to be fighting off fatigue and this new cold before going away to a conference. I'm propped up on a lot of caffeine and I know I will crash soon. My flat is feeling quite cozy because we're having a hailstorm-turned-thunderstorm and my girls are being super cuddly.

It's funny, cuddlebunni3 suggested I live a fast life. I just don't see it. Most days I go to work and come home, watch tv, tool around online, read, whatever. Sure, I go out at the weekend, and sometimes meet up with someone during the week. But I hardly call that exciting. I guess I just live a city life, and have a good PR person. :o)

Hurray for Bank Holiday Monday, flist!


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