Mighty Boosh

Jun 12, 2010 22:06

Am here with soulsister101. for the Q&A after Journey of the Childmen. They were funny and cute and Noel is so little! (He did a double-take of my boots, btw)

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More to come!

ETA: Pic of the event and you can mostly make out me and soulsister101 in the front row at the end (photo courtesy of the Y Tribeca via flickr)

ETA: Ok, I'm at home now feverishly uploading. The documentary was very enjoyable. Sweet and endearing, actually. It more or less chronicles their Future Sailors tour, from the start where they are rehearsing lines before the first show, through to middle where they are getting exhausted and numb from the relentlessness of it, to the end where Noel actually cries when it's over. So sweet.

Wembley stadium is frickin' HUGE from the perspective of the stage, y'all. The funniest part IMO was one point during a show where Noel has his leg up on a front speaker and some audience members are tugging at his leg. Lovingly caressing, even. He's eating up the attention and the stage manager (who looks as big as Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid) tugs the back of his trousers to pull him back. Noel then leans forward again for some fans to pet him and he stage dives! The stage manager (whose reach is seriously super-human and who was clearly annoyed by the shenanigans) reaches into the audience and with one hand literally pulls him back on stage by the seat of his pants. The whole scene lasted at least a full two minutes, I'd swear. SO funny. Rich Fulcher is a maniac, but the guys seem to take his mania in stride when he starts to lose it. Dave (Bollo) seems quiet, but nice. And Julian appears bemused by the whole thing, but struck me as a nervous type.

I love when documentaries show the downtime, and there was no shortage of that. Noel falls asleep on the floor backstage at one point, wearing his gold boots and a Nanageddon dress. The guys are bemused by the fans taking their picture/attacking their car when they leave an event "It's like being an animal at the zoo". There was plenty of bantering while on the highway, making fun of things. And plenty of scenes of hysterical adolescent fans, such that the resemblance to a rock band on tour is eerily similar. They seem naturally funny all the time, even when exhausted. Noel and Julian certainly weren't hurting for laughs just chatting with the audience tonight.

Noel is much more petite than I thought - both in height and body frame. This was a pleasant surprise. He must be about 5'6 or 5'7. He bought new boots. I was sorry to see he was drinking again (he joked that someone told him Pabst Blue Ribbon is "hipster beer" but liked that the can matched his shoes). They bantered a bit, but mostly answered audience questions. The screening room at the 92nd St. Y Tribeca holds about 70 people, so it was quite an intimate affair. soulsister101 and I sat right in the front row. Yay us!

Anyway, here are the rest of the videos. I only took snippets as I didn't want my whole experience to be had behind a view screen. Know what I mean?

Well, enjoy! Noel's new "girlfriend" is bugging him

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The director talks about his film

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They talk about the upcoming album

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Who are your influences?

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Noel praises the director

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boosh, via ljapp

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