Gallifrey picspamarama

Mar 12, 2010 13:10

Well it seems life has happened, and that has steered me away from my Gallifrey picspamarama.

My memory is shot, y'all. I went to some panels but barely remember much about them. So instead I'll give some general impressions and post a few pics.

First of all, it was awesomeness personified to finally meet prof_pangaea and Robert Smith? (of zombies and mathematical disease modelling fame) in person. Alas, the former is too handsome to appear on my LJ in pictures lest I break your monitor. The latter slipped away before I had the chance to photograph us together.

I also did a shameless fair amount of flirting with a couple of people and got to know the Podshock guys a bit better -- including James, who is painfully cute and bears a resemblance to a ginger-topped ex of mine from 12 or so years ago. (FYI - they recorded interviews with just about everyone there involved with DW, TW and SJA (at least 12, Ken told me) so be sure to check out their podcast in the coming weeks.

I picked up two copies of Chicks Dig Timelords for myself and a friend who I can still hear squeeing all the way in San Francisco; and Robert Smith? and I made a game of running around getting them autographed during LobbyCon. Of course I got jigglykat's first - just to poke her a bit. ;-)

I made some new friends, got to see Katy Manning (Jo Grant) who is SUCH a ditsy blond but so much fun; and I saw Georgia Moffatt (the Doctor's daughter both literally and via script) who is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinyyyyyyyyyy. How she managed to bear ignoring the giant elephant in the room (what's it like to be with Tennant?!?!) I don't know, but she was peppy and humble and when she speaks she sounds just like her father (Peter Davison).

Gallifrey is for COSplay, I tell you. There were so many 10's you couldn't swing a sonic screwdriver without hitting one (or five). I can see now why brewsternorth and others steered me away from that. Apparently one of them was ladymerri who I didn't know was there until after the fact. D'oh!

Excepting one small thing that was out of my hands entirely, the weekend was entirely drama-free for me (unlike others' stories I've heard and read). And I managed to evade the con crud it seems everyone else I know picked up. So, all in all a much-needed holiday was had.

As for my own COSplaying, I received a surprising amount of attention for my Rose costume; enjoyed some mischievous fun over the fact that people didn't seem to realize my wigs were wigs (dawn of recognition became a game for me); and had half a dozen guys ask if I was advertising myself as a sub for wearing the dog collar on Sunday for my Master costume. Billy from Podshock actually thought I was "being punk" :eyeroll: I even had a rubber cheeseburger and rubber chicken, y'all!!!! Only others in EoT Master costumes seemed to "get it" and among them I was the only one to wear the dog collar. Not many pics of me, though. :-(

Speaking of pics, here you go with the picspamarama. I didn't take that many photos as I kept forgetting, but if you go to Flickr and search for Gallifrey 2010 or Gallifrey 21 you'll find loads.


Me as Rose

Run, Rose, Run!

This woman feminized Six to amazing effect - she even had question mark socks!

Louise Page

Chicks Dig Timelord Panel

The only clear image of me in my Master costume to be had (as far as I know)

A new friend

LobbyCon is not exactly a sober affair

Tony Lee with Georgia Moffatt

A Sister of Plentitude

Gary Russell with Tommy Knight from SJA

Hanging out at "Champions" (hotel bar)

The Brigadier (this guy did an AMAZING skit with his friends and was a really nice guy too)

Me as Donna

James and I hang out with an Ood (the controls for lighting up the eyes were in his glove!)

I wonder if this guy reuses the bottom at Star Wars conventions

As the farmer said to Babe the pig, that'll do!

cosplay, dw

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