OotP reread

Jul 10, 2007 22:50

On Sunday I finished rereading OotP and I really loved it. The first time I read it I liked it and it was a good book but now I would say it it one of my favourite HP books.
We learn so many new things and meet so many new people and I can really understand Harry´s emotion this time. The first time I thought the whole time that he behaves like moody teenager (I know he if fifteen and a moody teenager but it was extreme the first time I read the book).

I also found a new love for a few characters that I started to dislike because of fanfiction or the movies and now I can also remember why exactly I disliked a few characters.

I really started to dislike her in fics and I really hated her most of the time when she was paired with Harry but now I can see the "real" Tonks again. She is a sweet, clumsy girl that likes mischief and is eager to help where she can (fighting death eaters or helping in the kitchen). I noticed in the book that even as an adult she has a certain respect for the older adults e.g. Mrs. Weasley. In general I think that she is a good friend to Harry and his friends because she is a female adult they can talk to but she would not mother them like Mrs. Weasley.

"And this is Nymphadora -"
"Don´t call me Nymphadora, Remus," said the young witch with a shudder, it´s Tonks.
(OotP page 49)

"Tonks!" cried Mrs. Weasley in exasperation, turning to look behind her.
"I´m sorry!" wailed Tonks, who was lying flat on the floor, "It´s that stupid umbrella stand, that´s the second time I´ve tripped over -"
(OoP page 74)

Draco Malfoy:
I HATE him!!! He is such a jerk. I think I read too much fanfiction, too much HP/DM (and I really like it). In the books he is a stupid idiot who thinks that he is better than everyone else. I was so happy when Harry and George beat him up after the Quidditch game, he really deserved it. He is a nasty and cocky even if there are no reasons for him to be cocky, he thinks that he is really great but if somebody really says something against him he threatens with his father.
But because of fanfiction I can see him in another light and read nice Draco ;-)

Malfoy glanced around - Harry knew he was checking for signs of teachers - then he looked back at Harry and said in a low voice, 'You're dead, Potter. '
Harry raised his eyebrows. 'Funny' he said, 'you'd think I'd have stopped walking around…'
Malfoy looked angrier than Harry had ever seen him; he felt a kind of detached satisfaction at the sight of his pale, pointed face contorted with rage.
'You're going to pay, ' said Malfoy in a voice barely louder than a whisper. 'I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to my father ..."
(OotP page 749/750)

Lucius Malfoy:
He is obviously a bad guy but people like bad guys and so do I. He is an arrogant, aristocratic bastard who loves power. I think it is great when you see him getting humiliated in the books. He deserves it.

Hand over the prophecy and no one need get hurt," said Malfoy coolly.
It was Harry's turn to laugh.
"Yeah, right!" he said. "I will give you this -- prophecy, is it? And you'll just let us skip off home, will you?
(OotP page 690)

Neville Longbottom:
Neville is a perfect example for me that I read too much fanfiction. Before I started to read fics I knew and loved canon but that changed because I didn´t know anymore what fanon and what canon was. So, after rereading OotP I can say that I like him. He is a sweet guy that deserves a little attention (only a little because I love Harry and he always has to be the focus of the story).

'Expelliarmus!' said Neville, and Harry, caught unawares, felt his wand fly out of his hand.
'I DID IT!' said Neville gleefully. 'I've never done it before - I DID IT!'
(OotP page 349)

Ginny Weasley:
Nearly the same as Neville. When I started to read fanficion I read HP/GW most of the time but then I started to hate her because a lot of authors write her as a bitchy, annoying little girl who bosses Harry around and he obeys her without protest. Well, maybe I exaggerated a bit but there a lot of stories like these and there a also very well written stories.
This is not really my point, wha I wanted to say is that the Ginny in the book is not so. In the book she has a mischievous side a lot like the twins and she also has a dark humor (like Harry).
In canon I like her and I would be very happy if she would get together with Harry because they would be good for each other and in fanon I like her if she is well written.

"The thing about growing up with Fred and George," said Ginny thoughtfully, "is that you sort of start thinking anything´s possible if you´ve got enough nerve."
(OotP page 577)

Cho Chang:
Well, I never really liked her in canon and tried to avoid stories where Harry is paired with her (there are exceptions of course). After rereading OotP I understand her better. Her boyfriend was killed the year before, she is sixteen and she wants to be together with Harry Potter. Harry is fifteen and this is not an easy age and he saw things that most people don´t see in their whole life. They are not good for each other.

"Harry´s leader," said Cho at once, looking at Hermione as though she were mad.
Harry´s stomach did yet another back-flip.
(OotP page 347)

Prof. McGonagall (and the other teachers)
She was so great in OotP, I just love her character. She is this stern teacher who has authority over her students without them fearing her and even if she is very strict nobody dislikes her or thinks she is unfair. The way she treated Umbridge was awesome. I really love the dialogue McGonagall has with Harry - every single one, for example:

'Is it true that you shouted at Professor Umbridge?'
'Yes,' said Harry.
'You called her a liar?'
'You told her He Who Must Not Be Named is back?'
Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, frowning at Harry. Then she said, 'Have a biscuit, Potter.'
'Have - what?'
'Have a biscuit,' she repeated impatiently, indicating a tartan tin lying on top of one of the piles of papers on her desk. 'And sit down.'
(OotP page 223)

'Here,' said Professor McGonagall, thrusting her carpetbag into Crabbe's chest and her cloak into Goyle's, 'take these up to my office for me.'
(OotP page 751)

The other teachers were also great in OotP, they didn´t help Umbridge, they were a tight-knitted group!!

Sirius Black:
Well, it is difficult to say bad things about him after reading about him dying and seeing how it affected Harry.
He is really childish in OotP and I don´t think he really helps Harry. He wants Harry to act the same way James would have acted and actually says it to him.
You also see that he is really childish when he talks with Mrs. Weasley. She is a mother and wants to protect her children (and Harry and Hermione) but Sirius wants to see them as adults and wants to tell them everything.

"Suit yourselves. But I sometimes think Ron's mum's right, and Sirius gets confused about whether you're you or your father, Harry."
"So you think he's touched in the head?" said Harry heatedly.
"No, I just think he's been very lonely for a long time."
(OotP page 145)

There was a pause in which Sirius looked out of the fire at Harry, a crease between his sunken eyes.
"You're a lot less like your father than I thought," he said finally, a definite coolness in his voice. "The risk would've been what made it fun for James."
(OotP page 273)

"It´s no laughing matter," said Mr. Weasley sharply. "If he carries on defying the Ministry like this he could end up in Azkaban, and the last thing we want is to have Dumbledore locked up. While You-Know-Who knows Dumbledore´s out there and wise to what he´s up to he´s going to go cautiously. If Dumbledore´s out of the way - well, You-Know-Who will have a clear field."
(OotP page 90)

This quote made me stop reading for a moment and think of HBP and DH. We saw how powerful Voldemort and Dumbledore are at the end of OotP and now Dumbledore is dead and Voldemort thinks he is the most powerful wizard alive. Does that mean that Voldemort now thinks that he has a clear field? Well, we are going to know more in two weeks.

Another thing I noticed was that in OotP Halloween is not important, it was not even mentioned. I think this is really strange because in the first four years always something happened on Halloween. Well, maybe Rowling thought that the year was hard enough for Harry without Halloween on the top.


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