
Mar 23, 2008 22:35

20 Random Facts about Harry Potter by heather (PG)

20 Random Facts About Hermione Granger by inell (PG)

20 Random Facts about Scorpius Malfoy by libby_drew (PG-13)

And Let You Go by gmth (PG)
The Burrow is empty, even when it's full.
(sort of companion piece DH ficlet)

and yes i said yes i will yes by honey_wheeler (PG-13)
Set during and post-Deathly Hallows. Love, life, death, and Weasleys.

Bad News by penknife (PG)
It's one piece of bad news Harry hadn't been expecting.

The Best Laid Plans by alyra_77 (PG)

Beyond Measure by annephoenix (NC-17)
When Harry breaks into Hogwarts in his search for the Horcrux, he finds out just how twisted the siblings responsible for student discipline really are.

The Boy Who Lived by atdelphi (PG-13)
Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore

The Boy Who Lives by iamshadow (R)
Harry comes to realise the repercussions of an important decision.

Come Back To Me by norisis (R)
For Ficathon, Session 3. 85. Character A finds him/herself in the position of deciding whether his or her parent, spouse, or child should be kept alive by mechanical or magical means.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell by iamshadow (PG, Harry/Ron)
Questions asked, questions unasked, secrets told and secrets kept, trust, devotion, empathy and love.

Faces of Pride, Feelings of Fear by catsintheattic (PG)
It has been a trying year for all of them. A series of vignettes.

Faithful Only He by  nimori (G)
If Sirius had been their Secret Keeper...

Five Ways Remus Lupin Never Raised Harry Potter  by book_rapport (PG-13, Remus/Sirius)
Five scenes. Five different ways Remus Lupin could have raised Harry Potter, but didn’t.

Five Women Who Hate Fleur Delacour by snegurochka_lee (PG-13)
She was beautiful, intelligent, talented, successful - and not very nice about it. Clearly, other women must hate her.

Flowers by heather (PG)
The evening after the war ends, Harry has a random meeting with Luna.

Friends by inell (PG)
Luna’s inspired the summer after her fourth year at Hogwarts

Getting Ready by florahart (G)
Each Weasley brings something a little different to Fred's funeral

Helpless by inell (PG)
It’s frustrating to be so helpless

Hold Your Last Breath by  nekare (R)
Voldemort has won the war, and he held the Trio captive, tortured, poisoned, broken.

Identical by inell (PG)
They weren’t identical anymore

If we are ghosts by mizbean (PG)
It's only a dream. It means nothing. A post-war genfic about Harry, his demons and Sirius Black

Inmates by marthas_library (PG-13)
Harry loses his trial in Order of the Phoenix and is expelled from Hogwarts. From then on events take a rather different turn.

Lights Out by lazy_neutrino (PG-13, Snape/Lupin)
'The last twist of the knife.'

The Logic of Constants by dealan311 (G)
It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Miles to Go Before I Sleep by Malora (PG)
A response to both P&S Winter Fic Fest and the Burnt Hedwig Challenge. However, many of the challenge details have been altered. Hedwig is injured, and must seek help for Harry. One-shot. Some Chamber of Secrets details have been changed from canon.

Murderers by mr_mercutio (R)
The Minister for Magic and his wife have a quiet dinner together, and a bit of a chat afterwards.

Nineteen Seventy-nine by blamebrampton (R)
Regulus Black already knows he's made a horrible mistake.

The Only Thing That Counts by westwardlee (PG-13)
For Peter, survival is the only thing that counts.

Ouroboros by lettered (PG)
Short, with focus on the epilogue

Parchment by iamshadow (PG)
When Harry disappears, Ron does the only think he can think of.

September When It Comes by  sundancekid (PG)
Seven years at King's Cross for Teddy Lupin.

Seven Photographs by  casirafics (PG)
"I know you always saw me as my father's son," Harry said. "I just... hope there were times you saw my mother in me, too. Because I love her for all the same reasons... that you did, and I miss her, and I envy all the time you had with her. And I wish... I wish I could have known you like she did, so at least I'd....."

Severance by ciroccoj (PG)

Silent Night by girlykisses (PG)
The rain won't stop, and they haven't seen Potter for seventeen days

Sixteen ways to tell the Weasley twins apart by kaydeefalls (PG)

Summer Holidays by penknife (PG)
After saving the world, it's time to figure out what to do next.

The Supervisor’s Tale by a_t_rain (G)
Just how did a new translation of The Tales of Beedle the Bard by Hermione Granger make it into Muggle bookstores? Minerva McGonagall explains.

try and hide the night by tosca1390 (PG-13) *new*
He wished someone would just tell him what was going on.

Twenty Things About Harry Potter (Ravenclaw, 7th Year) by mad_martha (PG)
sequel Twenty Things About Ron Weasley (A Hufflepuff), Three Untitled Moments, Twenty Things About James Potter (England's Quidditch Captain)

"What's Another Weasley, More or Less?" by hedwigs_bane (PG-13)
Learning that Harry Potter's life on Privet Drive is more than simply unpleasant highlights Arthur Weasley's familial instincts, a trait which he seems to have passed onto his youngest son.

Wordless by penknife (PG)
There are a lot of things Arthur doesn't say.

A Year Like None Other by aspenlight (PG-13)
It all started with a letter from home and family. Except, Harry doesn't really have either, does he? He's about to get them. A Snape-adopts-Harry story providing an alternate 6th year. Winner: Multifaceted Best Genfic, Best Draco Fic.
(sequel A Summer Like None Other, A Family Like None Other)

hp recs, fandom: harry potter, gen

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