Apr 07, 2005 18:44
Haha what diverse random quiz results.
Ugh. School is getting soooo bad. It's reached a point where it's absolutely pointless. It's so bad that I'm actually counting the minutes. Yes, me, who never truely looks forward to anything in the future becaus that would involve the passing of time, and therefore the passing of youth (biggest fear), is looking forward to graduating. I need to take my placement tests soon for Penn State; Math *gag*, English *eh*, and Chemistry *has meltdown*. Hopefully everything will turn out as it should. The play is going reletively well. The Children need to learn their place, and they need to learn when to shut their mouths. There are fortunately few of us who pay attention from time to time.
Eh, that's all I feel like typing for now. Penn State seems so distant in the future, yet so close... Oh, and I turn 18 on the 23rd. Go me. Take it easy everyone.