Aug 17, 2005 07:51
What else can go on in my life? My marriage is hanging on by a thread. Now, work is miserable. I am going to find a new job ASAP (RCK - know of anything? ;-) I was written up at work for performance reasons that I believe are unjustified. A coworker was written up for the same reason. I just need to get out of here. Then, to just throw a little more stress on everything, Morgan wiped out on her scooter last night and mildly skinner her knees, along with a small gash on her head and nose and had a bloody nose. She is so upset about it. I think she screamed for 30 minutes while I tried to clean off all of her ouchies. Dave took that really hard because he was outside with her and her friends wanted to go down a hill on a different street and I told Dave to make sure she wore her helmet. Well, he didn't make sure she wore her helmet, and she started picking up a lot of speed and he tried to slow her down (he was on his bike) and she fell instead. So he is blaming him self for her accident.
Dave did tell me that there is no way he would leave me with my job situation the way it is (so you know it is bad). I told him I don't want to be a charity case and he said it isn't that at all. So who know, maybe this will be a blessing in disguise (gotta find some bright spot, right?)
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, I do go to the MC today.