Dec 17, 2005 11:59
I just finished one of the most tiring jobs ever. My hands are almost too sore to type. I must've made hundreds of balloons this morning. So originally, I was supposed to be the entertainment while kids waited in line to get their picture taken with Santa. So I very mistakenly thought oh this'll be great! There are hardly any kids here and I'll get to have some fun making really cool balloons. About nine o'clock the kids started POURING in. My line for balloons kept growing and growing. It flipped around so that Santa was the entertainment while kids waited in line for a ballon. Mine line was wrapped around the room! It wouldn't have been so bad if kids didn't keep asking for candy canes, but those really kill my wrists so I was counting the minutes to go home. Partway through the job I looked down at my hands and I thought I had lipstick or something on my fingers but then I realized it was blood. GROSS. I still have another job this afternoon so hopefully I can make it through.
I can't wait to take a nap this afternoon! Then it's off to Danielle's house I go. We're watching her fourth season of Smallville. Clark Kent without a shirt always cheers me up.