Eureka comic shows signs of life!

Feb 02, 2009 23:28

(via the awesome serene_quill)

Well, it looks like the comic book might actually see the light of day-- only a month and a half late.

Looking at it, all I can think is wow, the art is TERRIBLE. Jack looks like some big boxy monkey (and Colin is so lean/wiry/little), Jo looks BLACK, not latino, Nathan looks like the dude from TNG when I was a kid - the XO of the ship - and Vincent just looks bad. Not enough of the rest of them yet to make a verdict, but I gotta agree with serene_quill when she says that they should have hired nasyu/artmetica to do it because they're WAY better than this artist is ever going to be. :-/

Annoyed with the whole no response, no info 8million delays thing that I'll go get it when I damn well get around to it and am down near the shop and not a minute before. No extra trips.

Fail, comic people, fail. And you had such potential too. :-/


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