heeeeeeee Daddy Jack NOT happy seeing the well behaved boyfriend cuddle his daughter.
ROTFL Lucas is holding the magazine UPSIDE DOWN. Not going to get much out of THAT one. Prop fail Vanya.
Zoe: "Why do dads ruin everything?"
Jo: "Because they're men. And men are ruiners."
Zoe: "Zane drama?"
Ut oh. Poor Jo. She stuck her neck out, with a guy she was already very nervous about, and he flailed.
And now they're fighting about it.
Zoe (to Zane): "Hi, ruiner." -- OUCH.
Jack looks scared and confused. That can't be good.
Eva Thorne, queen of redactions.
Oh Jack. You fail on people skills today. But you amused Henry.
I LOVE THAT TREE! Whatever it is that Eva's standing in front of. It reminds me of a tree at UW that I was always enchanted with because the leaves sprouted from absolutely EVERYWHERE on the bark of it. I field idenified it to the Beech family, but never was able to figure out what exactly it was. It was old, and had been there a LONG time, in front of one of our oldest buldings on campus. I miss my tree. :-(
Zane: "And just so you know, this passive-aggressive thing is really annoying."
Jo: "Well, do you want to try just aggressive?"
Zane: "Uh... no. Not really."
Jo: "I didn't think so. See ya." *walks away*
Jo: "Hey, could you come here for a second?"
Zane: "Why? so you can hit me with that?"
Jo: "Not until you tell me what it is first."
Ut oh. Zane and Jo just discovered a ton of bombs.
Fargo (to Jack): "'You know, some of us acually work for a living." -- Oh Fargo...
OMG ROTFL.. FARGO with pictures of kittehs. As his personal pictures. ROTFL
Fargo: "Dr. Blake won't like me bending the rules like this."
Jack: "You'd be surprised."
GO ALLISON. My respect for you just went WAY up with you sneaking around to help Henry and Jack save the town.
Awww. Poor Lucas. He's deathly afraid of being castrated by Jack.
Ut oh. Zoe's the intruder that S.A.R.A.H. was talking about detecting? NOT GOOD.
S.A.R.A.H.: "The intruder is an imposter. Not Zoe Carter."
Zoe (to Jack): "Did you set a trap for Lucas?"
Lucas: "Is S.A.R.A.H. dead?"
Oh poor Lucas. He's afraid of being killed.
Allison's just 'worn out'? And Zoe's just 'run down'?.... So not right. Sensing a pattern here.
Jack gets Zane and Jo stuck together. In special cement because Jack's a CLUTZ and dropped the container when he was straining to open it. Oh Jack. Honey. *facepalm*
WTF this dude looks like Thorne... o_O
Dr. Hendricks (to Jack):"You seem like a really nice guy..." -- Yes, he is.
"America's Sweetheart"
Jack. You're so good about trying to weasel what you want by looking like the innocent nice guy.
Jack: "Oh! One more thing. Uh. What if someone made the very understandable mistake of opening one of the canisters and then someone else got their feet caught in your super goo?"
Dr. Hendricks: "It's called Instananium. It's a nanopolymer syntatic foam. Do you know what that means?"
Jack: "Uhhh...Well no. But how do you get them out?"
Dr. Hendricks: "You get a saw."
Jack: "Great! So you can just cut through it."
Dr. Hendricks: "No. You cut through their legs."
Zane (to Jo): "Don't you look at me in that tone of voice, it isn't my fault."
*answers phone*
Jo: "Dr. Bonehead's lab."
Jack: "Let me guess, you two are both still stuck together."
Jo: "Just until i can reach my gun."
Zane: "Did Hendricks have any idea how to get out of it?"
Jack: "Uh, one. But you're not going to want to try it."
Ok, so something's wrong with Zoe.
Fargo:"It was an honest mistake, Zoe's DNA didn't match the sample in S.A.R.A.H.'s database."
Zoe: "Well it's not like I went out and changed it."
Fargo: "Well, maybe it was a memory glitch."
So the blue goop is changing her DNA, and S.A.R.A.H. is the only one who realizes it.
Fargo: "I am a photoshop God."
Thorne: "You spoke to the General?"
Jack: "Yeah, he usually never takes my calls, but I used your name and he picked right up. It was AWESOME. Hope you don't mind."
Thorne: "I mind just about everything you do, Sheriff."
Jack (to Thorne): "Anyway, the General says Hi, and he can't wait to be briefed about the underground facility."
Jack: "Ms. Thorne, I'm just looking for the truth."
Thorne: "Sometimes the truth needs to be left alone."
Henry: "These men did not die of natural causes."
Jack: "Awesome."
*Henry looks at him skeptically*
Henry: " Not for them."
Rapid aging. Huh. Innnnnnntersting.
Jack: "I need Jo for a second."
Zane: "We're kinda busy right now. And that means..."
Jo: "That my job is less important than yours?"
"Zane: Well, that depends, can you do it with one leg?"
*they shuffle off together*
Jack: "Good times." -- Jack, you're so cute.
Lexi: "The fact that a house can try to suck up to me is almost as disturbing a house taking my niece hostage."
OMG Zoe's eyes. ut oh. Jack's going to PANIC.
Why does she want the bunker completely sealed forever?
OHAI. Jack's hands. mmmmmm
Nice. Now Zoe's rapidly aging.
Henry (to Jack): "So try not to worry too much." -- it's Jack. He's going to be internally panicing the whole time.
Aww, she loved whoever that was in the picture.... :-(
Jack: "Don't touch the pretty metal canisters." -- Oh honey.
And now Jack is trapped with Eva in the bunker. Fun times for him.
She wanted to commit suicide along with destroying the bunker and all the evidence... that's kinda sad, actually. She doesn't want to live anymore.
Jack: "I'm not dead yet, and neither are you!"
Ut oh. Ali's mad. Does she know what happened to Jack yet?
NICE. Now it's tied back to the old videos with the atomic bomb testing.
Jimmy Perkins... She HAS to be Mary Perkins. But it's sad that she loved him and got left behind. :-(
They only lived 28 days? Ut oh. Zoe's been exposed for 7.
Ut oh. Jo and Ali just figured out that Carter's trapped.
Thorne: "Fate catches up with you, no matter how far you run."
Awwww. Her brother. :-(
Thorne: "Even if we find the cure, we're never going to get out of here."
Jack: "You believed in your team, I believe in mine."
Lexi: "Oh look, you're free!"
Jo: "Yes, and in another 5 minutes I would have CHEWED OFF MY OWN LEG!"
Zane: "Your mouth is probably big enough."
Awww. Poor Zoe. They're all going to worry they can't fix her in time.
Allison's been 'not a normal kind of tired'? BECAUSE SHE'S PREGNANT WITH NATHAN'S LOVE CHILD, like I've been saying all along.
Now they're worried about it seeping into the groundwater? That's not good.
Awww. She's going to give him her vial of purple goop to save Zoe.
Thorne: "I'd rather save somebody now than hold onto it for a lifetime." -- Thorne is human. I'm impressed.
Jo: 'When two people really know each other, then they're in sync. And when they're partners..."
Zane: "Ok, I get it. Could you just drive the car please?"
Awwww. Jack and Jo really *are* in sync.
And Jack blames himself for EVERYTHING, all the failures, as usual.
Awww the LOOK on his face when he realizes that Jo's coming for him... :-D
Jo: "Good afternoon! My name is Jo Lupo and I"ll be saving your ass today."
Jack: "Someone ought to promote you."
Jo: "Yeah." -- Cutest. Scene. Ever.
Allison: "Is there anything down there?"
Zane: "Yep. A really. big. bomb."
Awwww. They signed the bomb.... :-( And Zane too.
General Mansfield: "It's fascinating, you know. You've created a problem big enough that the solution is to detonate an atomic bomb."
Zane: "I know, right? How cool is that?"
Dr. Hendricks looks so very confused. Welcome to Eureka, dude.
Awwwwwwww. Jack holding Zoe's hand and looking all worried. Poor baby. :-(
WHAT? He better be talking about the world ending and them being happy...
YES! Make up dinner! WOOT! Stupid boy BETTER keep her. Ughhhhhhhhhhh
OMG She's LEAVING! And Henry sens her off. Very sweetly. Hunh. Intersting.
Henry tells her he found something else.... OHAI ALLISON, YOU'RE PREGNANT WITH NATHAN'S LOVE CHILD
*Lucas and Zoe kiss*
Jack: "Not going to look... I'm not going to.."
*looks back, sees them kissing, cringes and looks traumazized*
*Allison laughs at him*
Jack: "Shouldn't have looked."
Allison: "You're a good dad." -- You're damn right he is.
ROTFL Fargo knitting with Lexi. CUTE
Allison (to Jack): "They'll need a role model."
I CALLED IT. AGAIN. 3 times this ep. \o/ ALLISON IS PREGNANT WITH NATHAN'S LOVE CHILD. (Seriously? Don't blame her. I wouldn't have been waiting to knock boots with Nathan either. Especially given they were set to be remarried.)
She wants him to be her birthing coach? Poor Carter. Enough heart attacks for him with Zoe and Lexi, now Ali.
And now General Mansfield just fired him for letting Thorne go and 'disobeying a direct order'.
Cliffhanger. DAMMIT.
Longer comments:
Poor Jack. By the end of this ep he must be feeling pretty damn suckerpunched. He gets trapped underground and all his perceptions about this woman get dumped on their head, he has to save his daughter from dying after being trapped underground for possibly forever, he gets traumatized watching his baby girl kiss the boyfriend, the woman he has feelings for tells him she's pregnant with the dead husband's love child, and THEN he gets fired by the general? OUCH.
Me = MADE OF WIN for all of the stuff I called about this episode. Seriously. I called that Eva was one of the people on the team (hence the coverup) that she was left behind by them, that she has weird aging issues, and that she IS Mary Perkins. And I've been saying all along they were going to make Allison pregnant with Nathan's love child.
Things I called:
1.) Mary Perkins = Eva Thorne
2.) blue goop = her aging issues
3.) She was one of the people in the 1939 team or tied to them
4.) Allison is pregnant with Nathan's love child
Rather cool how the Thorne storyline turned out, IMO. She became a sympathetic character in the end, someone we actually started to care about. Her motives were in the right place, she just went about it all wrong and made people too suspicious and such. And, in the end, she did the right thing, let Jimmy get his credit and success, and set them all free. Interesting how Henry was the one to give her a kind sendoff in the end.
Ali pregnant with Nathan's love child.... GIANT cliche, but they can make it work. And you know Jack's going to raise that child as if it was his own. While it's tearing out his heart for a lot of reasons. And honestly? I don't blame her, I wouldn't have waited to knock boots with him either. A beautiful, passionate man who loves you like nothing else? HELL YES. (And I wonder if Salli's pregnant in real life, and if that's so, congrats to her, and that's why the writers wrote in the cliche.)
Jack's unwaivering faith in his people and his synchronicity with Jo was very cute. Especially given it's been a long battle for the two of them to get to where they are. But it's a good thing. They showed that she worries and cares about him now, and that they make a good team. And the promotion comment was just plain cute.
THANK GOD they resolved the Jo/Zane storyline. I would have been PISSED if they left it hanging, I just wanted resolution for them either way. Luckily it went the way I wanted, but I would have been MORE pissed if someone hadn't said or done something either way. I'm glad Zane got smart and stuck his neck out there too, and decided to go to 'make up' dinner and not 'break up'. They're good, the two of them.
I really like how much Fargo's grown a pair recently. It's awesome. It's like he knows now he has to be the best he can be to live up to his father's Nathan's legacy.
Sigh. We have to wait until Jan/Feb for more? Better than it used to be, I guess. Hopefully I'll still be able to do commentaries, even if delayed. Thanks for reading!