White Collar- 1x10- "Vital Signs"

Feb 03, 2010 22:41

OMFG. This episode could not have been more slashy if it TRIED....

Neal inviting himself to breakfast is quite possibly the best scene they've had in the whole series to date. Why? Not only is it funny, but it's fitting. Neal does what he wants, El finds this funny, Peter finds it exasperating. I find it funny that Peter expects Elizabeth to fix it somehow/get rid of Neal ("El, do something!") while her solution is to keep Neal there with them-- the opposite of what Peter's expecting (but most likely would want.) She also finds the whole exchange very amusing, and seems to have built up a rapport with Neal behind the scenes that we don't know.

And the little badge is just awesome. And how Neal has taken at least the role of being a good guy seriously now, declaring himself a 'lawman' like Peter. Neal's little whatever you say' laugh when Peter reminds him his badge isn't real is hilarious.

"A New Yorker that does not take the subway is not a person you can trust." "There's a reason most crimes happen at night. PEOPLE CAN'T SEE YOU!" Oh Mozzie. I love you. Despite the fact you are so epically FAIL in the meeting for Neal.

Neal and Peter have become very comfortable being in the same space together, and have gotten rather ok with the whole 'touching each other' bit. It was to illustrate a point in his story about being careful and keeping to himself, but Neal didn't move away when Peter very directly touched him on the forehead. (As well as later, when much more touching goes on.)

Neal does NOT look thrilled at Peter's choice of cover specialty. Clearly he's used that persona before though, since it came to mind so quickly.

Peter: "You underestimate me." -- I think Neal really does, and Peter has a lot in his own bag of tricks to show.

I love the fact that Neal pretty much invites himself back to breakfast the next day just to tell Elizabeth all about the flirting Peter had to do to keep the mark on the line.

Peter: "You want a challenge? Keep a beautiful woman happy for 10 years running." -- With El, I'm not so sure it's as much of a challenge as it could be. It's more cause he's made of fail than anything else.

Neal: "You haven't flirted in the 21st Century?" -- No, he hasn't, unless it's with another mark undercover. Because Peter's loyal like that, and he's got Elizabeth to go home to, who's smoking hot & clearly.... creative.

Kyle Secor! <3 <3 <3 Oh Homicide:LOTS, how I miss you. Andre Braugher is currently on TNT's "Men of a Certain Age", but it's nice to see Kyle.

I'm irrationally happy that the chick wants Peter and not Neal. (Is it just me who seems to find Peter/Tim DeKay kinda hot in a way that can't be explained? Because he's kinda goofy when you look at him, but.... GUH. ETA: Apparantly not just me. Thank you, Flist, for posting this. HOT DAMN. Why Peter is hot...)

Oh Peter. You're so uncomfortable.... poor bb. Go home and take it out on Elizabeth.

Neal's jealousy/confusion over Peter walking out of the tent thing with a shirtless chick is very cute. Especially when you take into consideration Neal is starting to feel territorial about Peter now too.

Neal: "Elizabeth was just wondering-- does FBI stand for Female Body Inspector?" (The smallest part of me is convinced that he actually DID call Elizabeth and tell, because he's upset and wants the attention.)

El practically falling off the couch laughing at poor Peter and his admission that he had to flirt is ADORABLE. Especially because she knows how much he fails at it, and he doesn't disagree. Then when Neal calls and wants to know why Elizabeth is laughing, it implies a familiarity and sense of belonging for Neal in their personal lives, not just at work. Jones and the others aren't calling and doing such things-- Neal's something special, different. And in my world, already sharing the bed on occasion... or more.

Crazy Mozzie FTW! "Yippiekaiyay, Mother---" LOL He's so small too.

Ok seriously? Neal knows Peter & Elizabeth's HOME FAX NUMBER. That Peter thought he had SHUT OFF. And he sends a batsignal to his partner to come save him.

Peter's reaction regarding Neal's batsignal and the tracker locating him at the clinic is pretty emotional, and could imply a greater level of involvement (intentional or not). Elizabeth is a genius when it comes to getting him in though. HE didn't even think of that.

Elizabeth doing the flirting for him is AWESOME. Peter is so fail! It's cute. She can be secure that her husband is clearly not cheating on her with the ladies. Just bringing home stray pet convicts that he's been obsessed with for years to share. The best part is he's convinced that it's a test... and then again, I don't blame him.

"Mr. Magic Hands" -- ut oh. Now Mr. Fail is in the doghouse with Satchmo.

Neal completely looped out of his mind and singing showtunes about lovers kissing. In an AMAZINGLY AWESOME SINGING VOICE. and I'm pretty sure he's singing about Peter and/or Elizabeth

Peter: "We need to get you out of these restraints."
Neal: "You mean these? What? Never met a lock I couldn't pick... except my anklet."

Neal: "You're strong."

Neal: "Peter, I've done sooooo many worse things that you don't know about."

Neal's babbles while under the influence of the drug(s) are revealing-- in more than one way. Yes, he lacks no mute button, but I think they can mean bigger things too. Like the anklet comment, for example. I don't think it's because he couldn't pick it- because he could have cut it long ago-- but more that he chooses NOT to pick this one.

Neal: "Out of all the people in my life-- Mozzie, Kate, and El - you're the only one."
Peter: "I'm the only one what?"
Neal: "You're the only person in my life I trust."

He's also the one you love, too. This scene was AWESOME. Peter's clearly torn at this point, and goes as far as to lay a comforting hand on Neal while he seems to be mulling over the impact of what Neal just said to him. It's pretty big, really.

Neal talks to the handcuffs while he waits. LOL. Peter steals the surveillance tape to save Neal, and Neal's genuinely surprised. Peter, who the rules and upholding the law is so pivotal to who he is, how he defines himself, crosses that line to keep Neal safe and with him. If that's not love, I don't know what is.

He takes a drugged up Neal HOME TO ELIZABETH. Not to the hospital, HOME. (Which Neal then totally plays up to get sympathy from El, who clearly wants to baby him, while Peter is still totally in the doghouse from the flirting incident.) I'm not sure if this is because of the possible theft thing, or to not draw attention to themselves, or because Peter seems to have a tendency to think Elizabeth can fix things.

I can't help but find the following conversation like a metaphor for the way their relationship is evolving.

Neal: "You've got an itching spray?"
Peter: "We've got a lot of things you doing know about."
Neal: "Wow."
Peter: "What?"
Neal: "You're really enjoying this."
Peter: "No. Maybe. Just a little."

Both of them are learning depths of the other, and Neal seems to be more consistently surprised at what Peter's bringing to the table. Peter's right-- Neal does underestimate him.

Neal and Peter, standing together, both of them with their badges. EPICALLY AWESOME. (even if Neal's isn't real.)

Peter seducing El at the end is so awesome. (Especially because El tells him that Neal's doing all the 'heavy lifting' in their partnership) It's totally sweet and hot and honest and adorable. And the whole role-playing thing at the end- I suspect the two of them are far from boring in bed. (and this is from me, who normally is like meh, stupid couple-y stuff.) and, you know, Neal is so peeking in the window or even just around the corner making sure their plan worked.

Yay! Much more on time this week. :-)

commentary, white collar

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