Oct 11, 2006 20:42
Wow, I almost forgot...
HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY AKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope your day was supppppper nice :D its so sad that I can't be there for ya :( But yah, I hope you had an awesome day!
Okay, so why all of a sudden is LOST so boring? I was like okayyyy...well thats great...and then it ended! Not even a big cliff hanger, what the hell?! I was actually kinda pissed, and expected way better. Although, there WAS that one pretty heated part :P Oh yeah, and I was a little lost because I didn't see last week's (yeah, I missed the premeire how lame am I?) Nice way to start the season...I know..
Dude, I am so fucking sore. and I didn't even try that much today O_o what is UP with that? My body is so messed up, I can't even begin to explain. Today my shins were hurting...which probably means I've got shinsplints...my knee was hurting (because its getting colder)..and my back hurts. Fuck, and rehearsals haven't even STARTED yet! >_< Speaking of nut, so I reviewed Arabian off the vid and WHY is EVERYTHING on the Left??? I am NOT a lefty! in fact I am very much so a righty! Shiiit man. I have like 1 month to try and improve my left side, now that sucks balls.
I should probably get to bed...tomorrow is Thursday...my longest day...and I also need to be emtionally stable for when I get my French exam back, which I wasn't really today.
I HATE Thursdays. They need to die.