Oct 03, 2005 03:20
MyrddinOtaku: The journey of a thousand miles begins with calm pants.
Tsunaido: it's true
Tsunaido: paniced pants will not grant you more than a mile or so of travel
MyrddinOtaku: It helps if said pants are Magelleon pants, cause those are good on thousand mile journeys.
Tsunaido: they really only provide an advantage if the path is one not already known
MyrddinOtaku: Handy when you get lost.
Tsunaido: if you get lost you are likely not wearing them to begin with!
Tsunaido: HO HO HO!
MyrddinOtaku: Sir, you nailed the hit on the ass.
MyrddinOtaku: What?
MyrddinOtaku: Yes please.
Tsunaido: that sounds painful; akin to being a living poster for pin the tail on the donkey
MyrddinOtaku: That's what she said!
Tsunaido: OH HO HO!