
Jan 02, 2006 15:17

Cross Posted to "Did I Miss Something."

What people see
or believe about my mournful temprament, that I am too intense, too dramatic...that I make a big deal about something that isn't as big a deal as I make it...this will serve as formal notice that I am damn tired of people deciding that I Must Make This Stuff Up Because It Cannot Possibly Be True.

I am violating my own rule about discussing my job here, but I find my reasons sufficient.

This happened to me Friday, the supposed last day of my probation at work. Had it happened *the next day* I'd feel quite comfortable about having full time employment for a good chunk of the future.
I woke up ill, not with just part of one of my long term disabilities, but an illness that magnified my symptoms by the power of five or so. I tried three times to leave the house finally managed it, got to work eight minutes late and was told that if I could last four hours it would not count against me. I lasted from 8:12 am to 8:40 am. I called the doctor's office from work and went there for the earliest appointment I could. I examined my eating for the 48 hours prior to the incident and found *nothing* that might normally get me sick, so at least I can not blame *myself* for the incident

I am not yet fired, but I'm going to have to live with an extended probation and the *certainty* of the ax if I miss work again within that extended period of time

I was told by the person that saw me that it was best that I go home and push liquids for a day and a half, they backed up their position in writing. I was having trouble foccussing or concentrating and was feeling extremely dehydrated. They had offered me the chance to come back to work and try and make the four hours late in the day, 1. The NP that saw me said they did not think it wise for me to go back that day, and I informed my superiors via voicemail that it had not been my desire to be sent home. and 2. The wait for the appointment lasted long enough that I couldn't have put in the requisite four hours within the regular workday anyway.

The reason I'm putting this out here is that *if* I lose this job, this post will serve as Formal Written Notice that I don't want to hear *anything* from *any* family members or former family members calling me a 'quitter,' or deciding that I'm just 'lazy' (physicall laziness I cop to, but not mental laziness or malingering) Anyone with opinions of that nature will kindly Shut the *uck Up, as I try to figure out how to subsist/meet my obligations/debts on less than 1200 a month. (disability)

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