The first rule of Fight Club is DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!

May 05, 2006 22:24

Mom and I went to to see An American Haunting tonight. It was really good, I'm not ashamed to say that I did jump a few times at the begining. It wasn't as creepy as I thought it was gonna be but it was still up there. And at the end I learned some interesting things about Paranormal stuff, which I won't share with you cuz it might spoil the ending! We went and saw it in the new movie theater here called Rave. WOW it was really nice!! Lots of leg room, extra wide seats (for the big butt challanged), and reclinging seats! They are REALLY strict about the cell phone rule to which is AWESOME! They actually came in the theater during the show and if they saw anyone with their phones out made them turn them all the way off! I give it an over all 10 and it gets the Rachel Stamp of Approval!

I'm prob not gonna stay up much longer since I have to be ready to go with
therealgigantor at 7:30 tommorrow morning *groans* we're meeting up with
supamdle81 to go shopping in Birmingham then we're gonna have an air hockey tournament and I'm gonna KICK SOME GIGANTOR ASS! <---- hehehe couldn't help myself. *pleads* please don't leave me in Birmingham it's an aweful long walk and mom wouldn't be pleased with you!
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