
Feb 08, 2010 13:59

I don't know what to think of my life right now but wow, things have changed. Devan came home from Iraq an entirely different person, although he was simply planted behind a desk in Baghdad for 9 hours a day talking on the phone and AIM, having cook-outs, watching movies...literally all goddamn day. He ate lobster and filet mignon he bragged about while I had nothing in my cabinets because I spent the money I made at my waitress job on sending him things he asked me for every other day and on the bills. This is what baffles me. He says I 'demean' his service, but I think it's totally unpatriotic to call yourself a hero when others have lost limbs or have actually - I dunno - participated in some sort of battle or contributed to the defense of ours (or another's) country. Oh well. He came home 10x more narcissistic than before, claimed the money from the military was absolutely his and that I did nothing for it, and he would scream if when he was overseas I asked for a penny of the money the government provided to pay for our rent while he was away (housing allowance). He said he was supposedly saving it for our future, while he spent on toys, expensive clothing for himself, and a new car. Now that we're filing for separation, he's fighting HARD not to give me anything. It's odd. I dunno. And what makes me the most angry is that...through our marriage, he hated how close I was to my family, but now that we've split, he suddenly wants to be all buddy-buddy with my brothers. Fuck that shit. He is evil.

Truly, I believe he cares more about material things and money than he does for a human touch and all those good things. I want him entirely out of my life because I see him now as pathetic, petty, and evil...he's not a man. I believe that he will either hide what's left of the money or spend it just so I can't get my 'grubby hands on it'.... wow. . .

Jenson, my little brother's best friend so in turn he was my brother as well, died two weeks ago. :-(

I had the best job ever at a sound system/wheel place making awesome money just as a secretary but I had to quit cause one of the owners was creeping me out and stalking me. Unfair. But that's ok.

Work at the smoke shop is fun as always, but tips have dwindled a little bit. That's ok though. (-: I'll make it through..bills are paid this month. Plus my family is happy and healthy and that's the mostttt important thing.
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