Love for two Buffys, a Darla and a Wesley

Sep 10, 2005 15:15

Ok so I've been wanting to do this for awhile just never got around to it. First off I'd like to give some love to a Buffy I just started to play with. She was a bit new to Buffy when she took the spot of Buffy in a one on one game that I wanted to get up and running again _wickedgame_

I was completely blown away but the opening post slayful_buffy did. I'm a HUGE Spuffy fan and when I read her post it made me cry. It was so cute the way she protrayed Buffy and missing Spike. It was like the perfect Buffy for Spike. I suggest that everyone reads her post to this thread You will be blown away by her Buffy. I'm still blown away by it every time I read it.

Next I'd like to give some love to the Buffy that took over in my game alteredrealityx angelbuffy We have been though a few Buffys over at that game starting with it's days over at greatestjounal. And each Buffy we had was wonderful but this game was based on the Wish ep so of course there was a certain way we wanted Buffy and as soon as my co-mod and I say her first post there we knew that she was the perfect Buffy to protray the Buffy from the Wish ep. She made Buffy very dark and not trusting. When I read it I really do feel like I'm watching the Buffy that was in the ep. and this is my favorite SL to rp so I've seen ALOT of Buffy's take on Buffy like that and none of them can even come close to the way angelbuffy did it.

Next I'd like to give some love out to hello__lover who plays Darla at a Lindsey/Darla one on one we started. I never played my Lindsey with a Darla before so the whole thing was new to me and now my Lindsey forever belongs to her Darla. The community is feel_theflames and if you read the first thread there you'll see what I'm talking about. I was never a big fan of Darla till now. Her post just made me want to cry, it touched me so much. I really did feel bad for Darla, I don't think I've ever been that touched by a post before. It makes me want to just jump into the game and somehow save/protect Darla.

Last but not least I'd like to give love to _wes_pryce_/watcher_pryce Anyone who has read this Wesley will probably know what I'm talking about. I've always been a huge fan of Wesley but it was hard to find someone who could write wesley well and capture everything there was about him. And don't get me wrong, there are two other Wesleys out there that I enjoy reading to but I don't really write with them at all. Once I started to write with _wes_pryce_ it has been hard for me to write with any other Wesley. Wesley seems like he would be a hard character to capture, there are only a few good Wesley's on lj and there isn't even a lot that play Wesley. Besides just being wonderful at playing Wesley this person is also amazing at writing Slash. I've only written girl/guy stuff before which I was always the guy, so this was my first time writing slash with anyone and wow was I just amazed at how wonderful she writes. This comment left me speechless. Maybe I don't read enough but I've never seen anyone write it so good and describe it so well, at least anyone that I play with.

All in all I really do have to say that I feel honnored that I can play with the four of them.
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