F-Only Post

Jul 30, 2030 23:37

☆friends only☆

This journal is now locked. Seeing as this journal contains my RL blogging as well as some fandomish things, I'm only adding people I know. My PUBLIC fandom blog can be found at gimmick_game @ dw. Sorry for the inconvenience, but my flist is a bit to large for me to manage as it is. If you are looking for my fic, you can find it all at bunnycrack for now and all fic as of September 2009 at wemakestorm. All of my graphics can be found at sonokotoba//sonokotoba @ dw and scans and uploads at: very-danger. Feel free to leave a comment and I may still consider adding you, depending. EDIT: 2008.12.28 - All previous comments have been deleted to start fresh. :) Comment to be considered.


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