165 [Letter to Santa]

Dec 16, 2010 16:30

This definitely isn't a tradition I had at home, but since it produces some results here I don't mind taking part. It's kind of nice, since we can't always go shopping, and now seems to be the time to give presents to everyone.

So here you go, Santa Claus:

For Henry - Nice clothes seemed to go over well this last year, so whatever is the latest fashion for men -- going by whatever year it was we last visited, we'll say. Just one thing, though; don't drop boxes and boxes of clothes in his room or he's going to think I'm insane. Also...give him something he always wanted for Christmas as a child but never got.

For Ripley - Something for her to play in. Proper ferret nest or something.

For Billy - Something that'll keep him busy.

For both of them - I saw this building set in one of the stores in Salem and didn't think to grab it then. It's kind of childish, but I think they'll actually play with it, even if only in secret. I'd play with it if I had any sense when it came to engineering.

Shut up, if they're busy they're not causing trouble.

For Data - A nice smoking jacket. He has a nice one already so get him a better one.

For Kirk - It's really stupid that I remember knowing things about the man he was in that port but I know next to nothing about his real self. But that one seemed to be fond of a certain kind of candy, if I remember correctly. Give him some of that. I'd get him something bigger, but I can take care of the rest of his gift myself.

For Libby - Rabbit-fur coat. Definitely. I got her angora last year; might as well keep the theme going.

For Facilier - a nice suit, but something dapper and distinguished -- stick to blacks and reds and/or purples for him; he wears them well. Also an overcoat for the winter; somehow I don't think his usual clothing is very warm.

Adam - (All I've got for ideas is clothes, apparently.) Give him a coat, but something nice from my time. Good spoils, though. Sort of thing my sort would be proud to wear.

The Sexbys - Give them a family portrait. Something really classy.

For Paddy - Put a nice hefty supply of a new food in the pantry supplies, something he misses getting to make and eat from home that's not usually there.

For everyone else - Naturally, fine wine. Aged from the year I came from when I arrived here, to the last year we visited. Most will be too picky to drink it and for the rest -- well, it'll put some hair on their chest.

For me - I want a hat. Newsboy type. The kind Rube used to wear.

one of them kirks, libby and morgan r bffs, rube, oddly sentimental, billy, christmas, west

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