Jul 21, 2010 22:36

That was strange, and kind of relieving -- if not in bad taste. I'm feeling much better -- and Mason's overjoyed. I haven't been able to take him on long walks lately. But the more active I've gotten, the more --


Something I said to Martha when I got back here made me think on it. I called this place home. And the more I think about it the more I think I was right saying that. This place, for all its ups and downs, for all its craziness, is my home now. Not just a home away from home. I was born off the coast of Jamaica, but it's not my home anymore. I was the last Adams to sail those seas, and I'm sure it was time for more to come and take my place. I don't think I'll ever go back.

Sometimes I start to think I really won't ever leave. Not forever.

And I don't think it's a bad thing. Maybe because I chose to come here. It might be different for others who didn't get that choice -- and for them the object, I guess, is to leave eventually. To get their second chance and start a new life.

But what about making a life here?

[Private to West]

How are you feeling?

[Private to Billy]

Thanks for watching Mason and King Charles. ...How are you? 

way more calm than she should be, oddly sentimental, diplomatic!, billy, west

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