124 - Port

Apr 11, 2010 14:27

I'm organizing a group to go out into port, observe, and try to locate some of our missing persons, maybe even the three that disappeared some days ago. I'd encourage similar groups to form, but please, people, don't be stupid and go off on your own. Groups of four or more, please ( Read more... )

way more calm than she should be, port, doing it the pirate way, diplomatic!, barge stuffs!, west, major west

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you_run_i_chase April 11 2010, 19:22:55 UTC
I want to fucking come, Morgan. I haven't heard fuck all from Denise.


gimmethemap April 11 2010, 19:36:52 UTC
Welcome aboard.


Strikes unreadable. you_run_i_chase April 12 2010, 00:20:48 UTC
Well, I guess that answers the fucking Denise, problem.

Morgan, I've got a gun.

I've got something to show you, and I'm hoping that showing it to you doesn't get me entirely fucked over.


gimmethemap April 12 2010, 01:13:23 UTC
Sure. Come by my cabin.


Spam. you_run_i_chase April 12 2010, 01:18:22 UTC
[This was a stupid fucking idea. Parker knew it was a stupid fucking idea, but she would need more bullets and if Morgan was arming Henry, then maybe she'd have bullets for her gun as well. Her gun was in her holster at her back, right where it belonged and it was a familiar and comforting weight there, especially when she was feeling a target painted rather firmly on her back. Denise was going to be fucking gunning for her now, and whatever the fuck else happened, she had a price on her head. Fan-fucking-tastic. Parker stood outside Morgan's door and she knocked quickly on it, breathing out in a rush.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.]


Re: Spam. gimmethemap April 12 2010, 02:03:23 UTC
[Morgan opened the door, already armed herself and perhaps expecting intruders a little too soon. Seeing it's parker, she pulls the door back.] C'mon in.


Spam. you_run_i_chase April 12 2010, 02:11:22 UTC
[When Morgan opens the door, she has a moment of nearly chickening out before she stepped into the woman's cabin. Without preamble, Parker reached behind her and pulled out the well-cleaned, well oiled gun that she'd gotten from Rayne during the mirrorverse flood, she held it in her palm so that Morgan would know that Parker didn't intend to use it on the good Captain.] I've got this, and I need bullets for it when we go out there.

[Being quick and honest seemed like the best thing that she could do.]


Spam. gimmethemap April 12 2010, 02:29:01 UTC
[Morgan blinks at her. She's not being threatened and points for being up front about it but --] What the Hell, Parker?


Spam. you_run_i_chase April 12 2010, 02:55:24 UTC
I didn't fucking steal it. [Parker's voice was more than a little defensive.] It was fucking given to me. I just held onto it fucking afterwards. I haven't used it or fucking done anything with it and no one even fucking came looking for it, but I'm going into town to deal with some fucking sociopath's playground and I need more than eleven fucking bullets.


Spam. gimmethemap April 12 2010, 03:40:12 UTC
[Morgan sighed.] You know I would have given you a gun if you'd come without it. You could have gone on hiding that and saved it for a rainy day. Why didn't you?


Spam. you_run_i_chase April 12 2010, 03:45:35 UTC
Because I fucking prefer a gun that I know, and that knows my hand. Knowing a fucking gun can be the difference of life and death. [A beat.] And because I'm a fucking idiot.


Spam. gimmethemap April 12 2010, 03:53:51 UTC
[Morgan looked at the gun, realizing it was of a more modern make than she liked to use, but she did have shells for it.] You got that right. [She strode over to her cabinet, unlocked it ,and pulled out a box. She tossed it down on the table.] Help yourself. And if you don't lose that thing in port, you're telling your Warden about it. Do we understand each other?


Spam. you_run_i_chase April 12 2010, 04:00:42 UTC
[Parker picked up the entire box of shells and tucked it into the inner pocket of her suit before she slipped the gun into the holster at her back. There was a quick nod.] Given that she called me a cunt and threatened to kill me already, I fucking suspect that if we run into each other, she'll know that I have it.

[Another pause before she added.] But you have my word. [Parker always tried to live up to her word, despite everything else.] So how bad is this, Morgan. You've been here a fucking lot longer than I have.


Spam. gimmethemap April 12 2010, 12:47:30 UTC
Morgan was still taking time to add weapons to her own arsenal. Some easily tucked away out of sight -- smaller knives on the boots, a lock pick or two. She had a small single shot pistol that strapped to her thigh. For her pistols she checked for her cleaner weapons, turned them over, checked to see if they needed loading.

"If you want the truth of it, I'm not sure. The last time the Master got into a place off the ship that he could take over, I don't really remember it because I fell overboard. But I'll tell you this much," she belted a second pistol and grabbed a pair of gloves off her desk, "we've never not brought him back in the end."


Spam. you_run_i_chase April 13 2010, 02:10:02 UTC
There was always a fucking first time for everything, Parker thought, but she didn't say anything. She knew she probably didn't even fucking have to say anything. Her fingers opened and curled for a moment, but really, there was a familiar sensation in her veins that had been nearly forgotten. Parker had missed this, she'd missed the hunt since she'd come on the barge.

For a moment she considered shooting the gun again, now that she had more than eleven bullets, but it didn't seem the time and place for that. No, instead the she'd hold onto them for when she needed them: to put a bullet between Denise's eyes and in the Master's chest. "Here's fucking hoping he does something stupid like he's fucking want to do."


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