[Quick Backlog -- Right at the end of the Flood]

Dec 04, 2009 22:39

Mister Rube Sofer

Im writing this t'you man to man.

Truth be told I canna make sense of all the things my Morgan's written or understand why she chose to come here. I thought for a while she must have been an Inmate here once -- if this place is what it claims to be, then I would not think humble pirates such as ourselves beyond that sort of fate, and it's a sight better than what stories we tell ourselves. But thats not it. She ain't dead, and she wernt close to dying when she came.

I don't disrespect her being here, though. She chose to live the same life as I, and she had the blood and the balls to do it right, but I'm her father, and I know as wild as the early years are for them that survive them, the more painful the later ones, and the less dignified the end. It's not the path any father chooses for his child, but we're pirates. We make our own choices, and I let Morgan make her own, too.

But then she chose to come here, and I don't understand it, but I prefer it. She did some growin up before she arrived, but in these journals I see less of Morgan Adams. Mind you I expected not to recognize the traces of her I can find at all, but I do. It's because I see less of Morgan Adams than I do her mother -- who may have loved an old salt like me but was a good woman just the same, whose death I never ceased to mourn when she chose to follow me to the sea.

I dont mean to alarm you, or misread, but if I am sure of anything about this ship and the people in it, it's that my Morgan's chosen to follow you. I make no assumptions about your own intentions, but from one man to another, I ask that you handle hers with care.

With regards,
Captain Harry Adams

flood, rube

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