102 - Flood

Dec 03, 2009 00:35

Was never much for these sorts of things. But as I understand it I can talk to people just by writing things down, and that seems as good a way as any to get acquainted. I can get out and about later when my leg's feelin a little less snarky, but in the meantime it's nice to enjoy my old cabin for a time.

Captain Harry Adams, for thems that don't know. Normally it'd be my daughter, Morgan, that'd write in this journal, but it's me for the time being. Didn't exactly plan on lookin in on her -- afterlife might be something different from what's normal but it's a sight quieter without the rain of explosions and gunfire that tend to follow my girl about. Then again, I didn't expect to find her in a place such as this, either.

So I'd like to know how Morgan's been faring here. Who's she know? What's she do? Not gonna stay here if I'm not going to check up on her proper.

flood, doing it the pirate way

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