And I know that I did something wrong, because I missed you. Yeah, I missed you.

Jul 18, 2003 00:48

So I'm so very tired today. I fell asleep at work whilst on a call. I woke up and asked the guy if I could put him on hold to research the problem. Then i jumped up and down and drank a lot of coke. Then I came back, after doing nothing for his issue but waking my sorry ass up. This guy was a lost cause anyways, I don't know HOW i finally got him to send an email out, but I did. To quote one of my satisfied customers, I am "the man! Tell your boss you need his job." That was awesome. Almost as awesome as the lady who said she hoped they cloned me. Anyone who thinks this world needs another Toby is awesome.

And I am slowly working on cleaning my room. I found my nail polish last night, and painted my nails for the first time in a bajillion seconds or so ( i wonder if that's accurate, or if bajillion is even a real unit for that matter) So i have pretty purple nails now. Like twenty people at work asked me why, and i was getting tired of saying because. Then one guy came by and said that it was an awesome shade of purple. I then told him he rocked. Because he did. I was so annoyed at that question. And I'll probably have to answer it again tomorrow. YAY for stupid questions! Actually, yes yay for stupid questions, I do so love them! Seriously! leave me a stupid question as a comment and I will answer it!

ANd to bounce around even less chronologically, I think i know why I am so tired....people keep talking to me on the phone. It's scary and stuff. And I hate it. but It's really hard for me to say no to people. So I do it. And suffer through the evil things. ANd usually end up liking the fact I talked on the phone. And then I felt dirty for liking that. Like I did a naughty thing. Gyah I'm a dirty dirty little (?) boy. Some one discipline me. PLEASE?

Oh boy, i need to stop talking to certain people, they get my mind on the wrong track. You naughty naughty certain people! Making me be all bad and stuff! <3

But yeah, on yet another subject! Next week, I start back on second shift. The work bastages "fixed" my schedule. The dirty bastages. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I'ma have to readjust my sleeping schedule all over again, and like work late. blah. It was fun having my quasi-social life. But maybe now I'll save money, since I won't have time to spend it.....HA! That made me giggle out loud. Man, that was funny. Phewwww....heh. But on the bright side....i have August 10-16 approved off as a paid vacation! HOW SWEET IS THAT?

Soooo, what I'm trying to imply here, since that IS the week of my birthday (august 12), people should come visit me and say hi. Mayhaps spend a little time with me. And we shall dance and be merry! And when I say you should, I mean I would love you if you did, and if you're female, I'll hump you (unless you don't want me to) and if you're male, I'll buy you a pack of cigars and a playboy or somehting.

And I need to lose weight, I've put on 20 pounds in the last two months. ACK. DDR needs to be purchased.....DDR is fun. DDR keeps me fit, and sexy. That's it....I think I'ma buy ddr game and pad with overtime pay. If I ever work it again....I'm slackin off and my paycheck is going to be tiny like a midget's weiner in cold water

Oooo, and I have pictures! Pictures have I! I was forced to take them, i had a gun pointed to my here they are...

See the gun!

the rest are cut for the sake of your friends page

I look stupid like a monkey

shhh! I'm being sexy

I have purdy poiple nails. You are jealous

Waitaminute.....I'm wearing clothes in these pictures, what the shit?

I think I can sing or something....


I am a sexy beast. Of non sexiness

Harcore punk, YO!

the nails so ruin the ghettoness of that picture....

You didn't really think I'd leave out eva?

I hope you're happy. I hate taking stills. blah.

OH! And the Goat is dead. I killed it. From now on, I am matthewwieczorek. Hit me up on that on AIM and Yahoo.

If anyone has a code I can have, I'd love to update this thing too. I would love you forever and do something in return if possible. MUAHS!

Love you all. Leave comments. Actually read the entry instead of JUST the cut. HEE!
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