That subject line is not meant to offend anyone. I just think that would be REALLY ironic.
So I know I haven't updated in a couple of days, and that makes me a very very very very bad man. So all you cute girls out there should some over and spank me. Spank me very very hard. After you tied me down and....WOAH, I mean ummm....HI! How are you guys out there? ME? I'm great! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR ASKING! change!~
So, at work, they, like, posted a new floor position, and I, like, totally applied! On a more serious note though, I really hope they take me back. I mean, it was fun telling people no, and explaining to them that we were right, and they were wrong. ANd then telling them to have a nice day. And it would also gaurantee I get a forced schedule. Not the semi-forced schedule I have now... And the video queue is supposed to disappear soon anyways, so I definately want to switch positions, so that I can have some variety in my job still. SO LET'S ALL HOPE/PRAY/CAST SPELLS for me, Toobies, Matthew, to get this promotion thing, okay???
Hmmm, and as to the reason I haven't is the gosh danged heat! With me being in the attic area thing type dormer, it's like twice as hot in here. So i've pretty much been attacked by the evil energy sapping heat demon. So that has definately prvented the updating. ALso, been talking to some groovy people. SInce I'm to lazy to do any linking....i'll just jive names. But not screen names, don't need people stalking them. So here are the shoutouts: YAY! For Sarah from WA, Kathryn from CA, and RO from MI. major proppage to you all.
And of course, never try to use a full grown cat as a microphone while singing "Walk" by pantera. They really hate that.
and here comes the weekly picture update. And no ljcut, because I am an ass like that. :)
how scary do i look there?
Is Ender a cat, or a snake???
And how cute are those two????