The fire alarm went off again. Boofuckinghoo. While we waited outside in the cold, Mark came to look for me in the Piazza. He had walked me to Tescos earlier during the day. I felt obliged to tell him to join us, but he seemed uncomfortable. I didn't want to leave Laura, Dave, Ross, German dude, and Joe just for mark though...especially with the rumours of him fancying me circling the halls. So I stayed with the German/English/Austrian group. Joe has been ever so sweet over the past few days, but last night he managed to take a picture of me mid-cough. I tried to make him erase it but to no avail. He just kept taking pictures. The only way I could get my own back was to take pictures of him. It's so hard to take a dumb picture of a good-looking guy though, I only managed to get one in which he looks sem-weird...
On to the pictures.
A not very good picture of the Cryfield 3 Floor 1 gang.
Laura and her boyfriend, James.
From the left, Matt, Dan, Laura, Matt
Lenea on the left, Katie on the right.
Dave and German dude.
I officially hate the way I look in pictures
He actually posed for this one
Come artsy shots
This is where the camera war commenced
And here it is, the only slightly dumb looking picture I could take of him.
Here is a proper(ish) picture of my new buddy, Laura. She's adorable.